75 Maybe it's time?

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"No." Anne deadpans, locking her green gaze on him. "You'll see it on opening night like everyone else."

"But we're friends!" he pouts. "Surely you can make an exception..."

Anne leans in and clicks her tongue against the back of her teeth while she waves a disapproving finger at him. "No exceptions, staff only! But..." she pauses dramatically waiting for him to lean in also. "I could see my way to getting you on to the VIP list and having you make it to the top of the playroom list..."

Viktors face breaks into a giant and he turns to Natasha, "Hear that Kitten? Friendship has its benefits. How long has my brat got to rack up a punishment?"

"I'll know better mid week but a few weeks, no more than a month," Anne says with a grin.

"And?" Natasha says, batting her eyelashes. "Don't lie, I'm awesome."

"Is that what we're calling your behaviour?" Viktor asks, raising a brow.

"You knew what you were signing up for when you picked me," she huffs, crossing her arms over her chest, pressing her breasts together.

"That I did," he replies with a crooked grin.

"That reminds me," Anne says, turning her attention to Jonathan. "Have you given any more thought to what we talked about?" She shifts her gaze to me making my cheeks heat, knowing nothing about what she's talking about.

"I have, but we still have time yet," Jonathan replies, not elaborating. I give him a pleading look and lay my hand on his arm, not wanting to be kept in the dark. "Anne asked us to do a scene or display of some sort at the new club's grand opening..."

My throat instantly parches at the thought of being on display like that. Not that public nudity, punishments, rewards and sex are uncommon in a BDSM club, just that Jonathan has always been very clear that my body is only for his eyes. A public display is more to Viktor and Natasha or Anne and Jack's taste.

Jonathan shifts to face me and takes my hand in his, running his thumb over the back of my knuckles. When I don't look at him he lifts my chin with the other hand, only adding to my racing heart. "What's my number one rule Angel?" he whispers in a commanding tone.

"M-my body is only for you and you don't share," I whisper, tripping over my words. The smile that takes over his face holds me captive and steals my breath.

"Good girl," he praises, placing a light kiss on my forehead. "I didn't bring it up yet because it's a ways away yet and I'm still trying to decide what I'm comfortable with... sharing... I will never do anything that crosses either of our limits." The tenderness in his voice makes me feel guilty for even thinking he would do something like that.

"I know Sir, I trust you," I finally whisper, looking up at him through my dark lashes.

"Good," he says, caressing my cheek. "I was actually thinking about doing something with rope... You've shown an interest in it more than once and we can do it without you being fully nude."

I smile at him and bite my lower lips, feeling my heart flutter in excitement at the idea of rope play with Jonatan. Not being fully exposed will help, but whenever he commands my attention, it's like the world fades away.

"If memory serves, you're actually quite skilled," Viktor muses, turning his attention to me. "And if she possesses half the grace she appears to you could create some impressive art." My cheeks heat at his compliment and I drop my gaze thinking about what this all could mean.

"She's all of that and more," Jonathan replies, raising my hand for a quick kiss. "But we have lots of time yet... We may decide on something else."

"Of course," Anne replies, flashing me a kind smile. I can see the hope in her eyes. She wants us to participate but I know she would never push me past my comfort zone, particularly with my past.

Conversation once again picks back up as delicious courses are brought out one after another. While everyone else is engrossed in their own discussions, Jonathan leans in and brushes a stray curl away from my neck, brushing my skin with his finger tips, sending a shiver through me.

"Have I mentioned how beautiful you are tonight?" he huskily whispers, dragging the back of his fingers down my arm setting goosebumps off in their wake. "Because you look stunning... No one can keep their eyes off of you."

"Your eyes are the only ones I'm concerned with, Sir," I breathlessly reply before licking my lips. Jonathan grins at my answer, his warm brown eyes darkening by the instant.

"Good girl," he praises. "What do you think about what Anne asked?"

I swallow hard, considering his question before replying, "I'm curious... I'd be lying if I didn't say the idea of being watched didn't make me nervous, but at the same time, with you I know I'm safe."

"Always Bella," he replies with conviction, eyes locked on mine. "Maybe it's time-"

Jonathan is interrupted by his cell going off. He pulls it out of his pocket, ticking his jaw and freezes when he reads the name on the screen. Abruptly he gets up and excuses himself before storming out of the room. I watch the door he left intently, feeling the tension mount with each moment he's gone.

"It had to be a pretty important call to get a reaction like that from the old man honey," Anne offers, her green eyes soft and sympathetic.

As abruptly as he left Jonathan practically stomps back in, his posture rigid and tense as he clenches his jaw. He comes to a stop behind my chair and lays a hand on my shoulder but turns his attention to  Viktor.

"Sorry... that was an urgent business call. I'm afraid I need to leave now," he grits out, clearly unhappy about whatever took place. I try to stand but he keeps me seated. "Anne, can you make sure Izzy gets home if I'm not back by tomorrow morning?"

"I can come-"

"Not this time Angel... this is no place for you," he whispers, cutting me off before lifting my chin for a chaste kiss. "Be my good girl and go with Anne, I'll see you soon."

I bite back my argument, seeing the anguished look in his eyes and nod.

"That's my girl," he whispers, caressing my cheek and giving me one last smile before heading out.

His Broken Submissive: Fallen Angelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن