Aw, poor me. No one wants me.

Why are you back? Go lick some dead leaf.

"Malachai," I plead, batting my lashes at him.

"You didn't even want to step into this house, now you wanna stay? Seems suspicious," he thinks for a moment or at least acts as if he is thinking before speaking, "ok, you can stay in Jo's room since she is your top priority, your 'bestest' friend, the love of your life, your soulmate, your-"

"Ok ok, I get it. Gosh! You are still salty that I chose Josette over you that night we were practicing the heart-stopping spell. That was years ago. Get over it, dude," I tell him.

"I'll always hold a grudge on you. You dirtied the clean slate that night by not choosing me," his face was so close to mine, I could feel his breath on my lip. He pulls back.

"I'll choose Jo over you any day, always,"


I chose to ignore my subconscious.

Aren't you playing choices too much?

I go by my choice.

He rolls his eyes. We finish the food. I do the dishes while he sits on the counter dangling his feet, staring at me with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. After that, he led me to Jo's bedroom.

We stand before Jo's bed.

"Thanks," I say. It feels good to have someone's company.

"For what?"

"For letting me stay here, for cooking me food. I hate cooking," I do hate cooking, but I can cook though.

Kiss him 'thank you' like the nice lady you are.

Eat shit.

"I noticed," he smiles. "Can I see-" he clears his throat, "Can I see the claw mark?" His voice sounds hoarse enough to make a chill run down my spine.

Why would he want to see the claw mark? I mean it looks pretty badass if you ask me. But why would he want to see it?

"Not for your entertainment purposes but ok," I slip the collar of my top aside to reveal the mark. I watch his lips part, his eyes focused on me. He lifts his hand close to my skin, slowly caressing the imprint.

He hoists his hand up, cups my face, "good night," with that, he leaves. Closing the door on his way out.


Days passed faster than I expected. We watched movies together. Kai'd cook and I'd do the dishes. That's practically all we did.

It is my birthday today!


"I turn 23 for uh... The gazillionth time today. I probably look like a dead tree. But I still want to stand on the high end, as close to the sky as possible. I am not going to mount Everest but c'mon, shut up, don't ruin the fun. I want to breathe in the cold air and uh... Well, I want to keep the next step a surprise," I ramble away as Kai overtakes me.

"Technically, it's my birthday, I should be the one getting surprises, not the one giving. But considering you are the only one in this world aside from me and you are a little shit, so you won't give me any surprise. Which means I have to give it to myself,"

"Why is a surprise so important anyway, Hermie?" He asks.

"Ah, a genuine question. I know, right. It's not important but hey! Who cares? You only live once. Oh wait, we don't," I giggle at my words.

"Here we are. To the top," he holds out his hand for me to take and I do. I am fucking sweating and thirsty.

I unscrew the water bottle from my backpack. "It was so easy with Kol, he'd just vamp sped us to the top,"

"You did this with Kol before?" Kai points at the ground as he says that.

"Of course, I did. But I didn't do the surprise part with him. That's something I'd be doing for the first time. Although the outcome will not be a first-time thing," I inform.

"You are going to have sex here?" He asks.


You are a horndog.

"What? No! It's way better than sex, besides, who am I gonna do that with, Kai? What am I going to do will be totally worth it for me,"

"You can, of course, have sex with me. And What do I get if it's not sex?"

"Ew, we are never gonna fuck. By being here, you get to be around me, my amazing personality and you don't get a knife jabbed in your throat," I smile widely.

"Not threatening at all," sarcasm laced in his voice. A smirk plays on my lips.

We talk about stupid stuff, our time back, our murdering techniques.

"Close your eyes, breathe in, the wind gushing against your ear, feel the air touching your skin," I instruct him and he follows. "How did it feel?"

"Good. Astounding, Hermie,"

I smile at him and lean toward his ear. I feel his breathing get uneven.

"It's time for the surprise, Mal" I whisper in his ear.

I take a few steps backward. I was this close but Kai held my wrist.

"Let go of my hand," he doesn't follow.

"I am telling you to let go of my hand," he follows after snaking his arm around my waist.

"Malachai, let go of me,"

"Let me guess, you are suicidal?"

"I am not but I want to do this, I want to feel," I say unwrapping his arm.

I fall.

The wind gushes against my ears.

The gravity pulls me down.

My hair going crazy.

It's amazing.

I feel alive.

I died.


Two Of A Kind ⍟ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now