House MD: (Hilson) "Awful Coffee Creamer And Velvet Boxes"

Start from the beginning

"Glad to know what your priorities are," Wilson replied absentmindedly as he picked out his sugar and creamer.

When House noticed what was in Wilson's hand, he said, "Fucking Christ, you're actually going to use the creamer."

Wilson finally noticed his coffee was in House's hand and glared half-heartedly at the older doctor. "Hey, that's mine, get your own. And yeah, I am." Wilson said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Thing tastes horrible when I kiss you, I'll buy you some fucking better creamer later," House whined and took another sip.

"No you aren't, you never go to the store," Wilson grumbled.

The two continued to squabble over House going to the store or his lack of, but Chase and Thirteen didn't hear them, instead, they snapped their heads to look at each other with widened eyes.

It turned out that it wasn't just Chase and Thirteen who heard.

"Okay... so, I'm not sure if that's going to ruin the creamer," Taub murmured to Kutner who giggled.

"Don't be homophobic, Taub," Kutner joked. Taub furiously shook his head in return.

"I'm not homophobic! It was just really out of the blue," Taub looked like he was being genuine.

"Congrats, they're fucking. Can we go back to peace and quiet?" Amber said, deadpan. She was doing it in good humor, Thirteen noticed.

"They said they kissed! That's more than sex!" Chase waved furiously. "That's romantic at least!"

"Debate question: do you kiss during casual sex?" Kutner asked.

"Don't answer that; he's too innocent," Taub covered Kutner's ears.

"That's not even a debate question... that's delving too deep into our personal lives," Foreman said.

"Hey, are we going to ignore the fact that they're confirmed to be in a relationship?" Thirteen barged in.

"Didn't everyone already know?" Cameron piped up from her corner for once.

"Now we have proof?" Thirteen replied.

"Okay, okay, children," House drawled, "Glad to know my personal life is so interesting, but I don't like sharing so let's end it here." Everyone seemed to close their mouths with a snap.

"Okay, only if you tell us how long you've been together," Chase had built up an immunity to House's words at some point.

"After his last marriage failed."

"Romantic?" Thirteen piped up.

"God, I wish it was just sex sometimes; Wilson is a fucking rom-com woman's dream with the amount of shit he brings up," House grumbled.

"When's the wedding?" Amber asked. Instead of answering, House glanced at Wilson. The oncologist had turned red with embarrassment and was hiding behind his cup.

"Okay, you've caused too much trouble for today. Shoo!" House waved Wilson away.

"Um..." Wilson said as he made it to the door, "Thai tonight?" He asked sheepishly.

House paused, "Yeah, and beer. I got James Bond tonight," House then turned back to his big den of ducklings. Wilson rubbed the back of his neck with more embarrassment as even his neck had started flushing.

"Oh, uh, House?" Wilson asked, pulling something out of his pocket, "Forgot to give you this..." Wilson opened the box in his hand and placed it in front of House, right on the table. "I'll get out of your hair now, whatever's left," Wilson beamed and ducked away.

The ducklings all stared at House, who was now speechless. The older doctor was not blushing yet, but he looked shell-struck with how little he moved.

It took a couple seconds for House to regain his motor functions, but when he did, he decided to shout at Wilson's retreating figure.

"You didn't even ask the question! Get back here!" Wilson ducked back into the room with a sheepish grin. House took that time to pull out a similar box; the difference in the boxes was Wilson's was a pleasant blue that had a hint of grey, and House's box was a deep red with hints of brown. House tossed the box at Wilson who with it.

"Aren't you going to ask?" Wilson asked House once he caught it.

"Fine," House grumbled, "James Wilson, you ass, marry me?" House pointed at Wilson with his cane.

" How romantic ," Wilson said sarcastically, not mentioning how he never asked House the question; perhaps it meant more from House than from himself. Wilson then opened the box and he glanced up at House. "And yes, House, I'll marry you."

"You just carried those around with you?" Thirteen asked.

"You never know when you'll need to propose to your boyfriend," Wilson said before he spun around on his well-polished, French leather shoes and left.

House stared at Wilson as the oncologist took a sip of coffee and rummaged through his paperwork. Amber cleared her through and he glared at her, looking like he would kill her for interrupting him staring at his fiancé. House finally picked up the blue box, opened it, and slipped on the ring.

House reminded himself he needed to get a better type of coffee creamer.

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