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"Go over the plan again." Liam said.

They had gotten a couple of hours of sleep, taking turns keeping watch.

"Fine. No planes at the gates. They might be full of zombies. We'll take one from this side, because they are likely to be fully fueled. We need a Boeing or Airbus to take us over the Atlantic." Jason said and tapped an area on the map he drew of the airport.

"We pack one backpack with food and basic stuff. I'll carry it." Louis said and scratched his chin. He had decided to keep the beard after Harry repeatedly had told him how sexy it made him look and how much he liked when it burned his skin when they had sex. Okay, his mind was wandering. Total side note.

"And we all form a circle around Louis who carries Freddie. Alright?" Zayn said and everyone nodded their head.

"We can breach the airport here." Jason said and pointed his finger.

"We try to drive as far as possible. Everyone has to be on alert." Liam said.

"All our years of getting mobbed by enthusiastic fans have prepared us for this moment." Niall smirked.

"That's one way of looking at it." Zayn smirked.

They went through everything one last time, checked the bag and their weapons. Harry pulled Louis to the side.
"Are you okay?"

"Terrified. You?" Louis mumbled.


Louis sighed and turned around. He wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and got up on his toes to kiss him. Harry's warm mouth and soft lips calmed his nerves.
"I love you." He said as they broke free.

"I love you too." Harry smiled.

They had reached the entrance. A bar was blocking the way. A handful of zombies was walking around on the other side of the bar.
"So are we ready?" Liam asked.

"Yes." Everyone said in unison.

Liam hit the padel and crashed into the bar, making it break and they made it into the airport.

"Take a left." Jason instructed.

They rounded a corner and Liam hit the breaks.
"Damn it! There must be at least 100 zombies."

Jason scanned the area.
"We need to go there." He said and pointed.

"Okay. Hold on." Liam said through gritted teeth and got the trailer moving again.

He did his best to avoid zombies but he had to run over some of them, splashing the windshield with blood and intestines. He put the wipers on. Louis couldn't help but giggle over the absurdity of the situation.

They weren't exactly quiet and more and more zombies made their way over, showing up from all directions.

They made it to the planes. Jason stared out the windshield.
"There, the second one." He said and pointed.

They were getting surrounded. Liam drove as far as he could. They were still a couple of feet away.
"Grab your weapons. Starts shooting." He said roughly.

Niall cracked a window open and he, Curt, and Zayn shot the ones closest to the camper.
"Go!" Niall shouted.

They rushed out. Louis was carrying Freddie and the others formed a circle around him. His heart was beating like crazy. He had never been more terrified. They ran towards the plane. Bullets were flying through the air, killing zombies in their way, but no matter how many they shot, they were closing in on them. Niall was out of bullets and pulled out his knife instead. Somehow they reached the plane and Jason opened the front door. It slid down slowly.
"Hurry!" Liam shouted and shot two zombies at once. He was out of bullets too and took out his knife.

The door was finally opened and Jason got on the plane. Louis and Freddie were next and he ran up the stairs, trying to not have a heart attack. Harry was right behind him, then Zayn, Niall, and Liam. Barbara and Curt had volunteered to be the last ones. Barbara got on but then she heard Curt scream behind her and turned around.

"Go, Barbara!" Curt shouted back. He was down on the ground, being attacked by zombies. Some of them were on their way up the stairs.

"Barbara! We need to go!" Liam shouted.

"Take care of the little boy." Barbara said and they all gasped when she threw herself at the two zombies on the stairs and took them with her to the ground.

"No! Barbara!' Niall shouted but Jason pulled him away and closed the door.

They watched as it slowly closed. Jason ran to the cockpit. They could all hear Barbara scream. Curt wasn't screaming anymore. 
"Take a seat! Buckle up!" Liam said and they forced themselves to move.

As soon as they were seated Harry burst out crying. Louis put his arm around him to comfort him. The plane was moving. The zombies were occupied so they made it to the runway. Before they knew it they were up in the air. They all started to cry when they realized that they made it. Liam unbuckled his seatbelt and went to the cockpit. He knew nothing about flying but he could at least keep Jason company.
"That was messed up." Jason commented. His hands were shaking a little.

"Yeah. Are you sure you can fly this thing?" Liam questioned, still in shock.

"I've been a captain for 25 years, mostly flew between Canada and Europe. I think I'll manage." Jason smirked.

"You're God sent." Liam replied softly.

They slept for most of the 10 hours that it took to get them to London. They were all mentally exhausted. When they reached London airspace a voice was heard in the cockpit.
"This is the control tower. Please identify yourself."

"This is captain Larson from Vancouver, asking for permission to land." Jason said.

Liam was crying again. He had never been more relieved to hear someone's voice in his entire life. He went to the back to tell everyone to put on their seatbelts. Jason landed the plane twenty minutes later and they all got up on shaky legs. A welcome committee met them when the doors opened. Jason was the one who explained everything.

They were all revealed to hear that the virus hadn't spread to Europe. They all went to the nearest hotel. Liam contacted their management while they all called their families. There were a lot of tears. They went to bed for the night. Louis and Harry shared a room with Freddie.
"I can't believe we survived that." Louis said with a shaky voice.

"Me neither. It will take years of therapy to work this out." Harry answered.

Louis just smiled at him and wrapped an arm around him, hugging him tightly from behind. They fell asleep.

The next couple of months would be crazy. Every paper and tv-station wanted an interview. Organizations, government people, the military, would all talk to them. But for now they were safe home in England, hugging each other tightly in a hotel room, knowing that they had the rest of their lives together, zombie-free.

The End 

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