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"So what exactly are we looking for?" Louis asked and held up a Hawaiian shirt in XXL.

Harry smirked at the ugly shirt.
"Medicine, food, maybe some clothes for you even if I don't mind sharing. It's like the old days."

Louis's chest got warm from that. Yeah, like the old days. He found a toiletry case and opened it.
"Yes! Raisers and shaving foam. Finally, I can get rid of this horrible beard."

"I don't know. I kind of like it. You got this whole sexy caveman going on with the beard and the hair." Harry smirked.

"Sexy caveman? Shut up! But I'm glad your hair is growing out. It's my favorite look on you. I loved those luscious curls." Louis grinned. Okay, we're they flirting with each other? His stomach fluttered. Yeah, okay. That was nothing new really. They always had a flirty tone between them.

Harry threw his head back with a laugh.
"Hurry up guys!" Liam shouted in their direction.

Harry's checks got a rosy touch and he went through the rest of the suitcase they found in the back of the deserted car and closed it when he couldn't find anything useful. Louis held on to the toiletries. They got in the car and got it to start and Harry backed it out of the way and drove it down in a ditch. They jogged their way back and opened another car door. Louis jumped back with a yelp but Harry was a fast thinker and pulled out his knife and jabbed it in the head of the zombie in the back seat.
"Woah! You just did that. No hesitation. What happened to treat people with kindness?" Louis stuttered.

"Zombies happened." Harry muttered dryly.

Louis started to giggle. He might be a bit hysterical after just watching Harry eliminate a zombie. Harry shook his head in amusement and opened the passenger door and opened the trunk.
"Water and food, oh, and a rifle. Great!"

They carried it to the pile of useful things before they headed back to the cars. Louis grimaced.
"We have to get in the car with dead guy in the back?"

"Yep." Harry smirked.

Louis drove this time and turned the wheels as soon as they were far enough and parked in the ditch. He hurried to get out of the car.
"I feel dirty!"

Harry let out something between a snort and a cackle and covered his mouth.
"Now you're thinking dirty." Louis smirked.

Harry rolled his eyes at him with an amused smile as they jogged back. Then continued to search and move cars for the rest of the day, just stopping for lunch and dinner break. They had to eliminate a couple of zombies but it was somewhat peaceful. When they have searched all the cars and moved the ones in the way Liam climbed the gate and broke into the control station. He found the button that opened the gate and they all cheered before they drove into Canada. Liam made sure to close the gate behind them.

It was getting late so when they foul d a small road to their left they took a turn and parked on a small meadow. They set up camp for the night, making sure to put the spears in the ground for protection when they had no idea how the situation was in Canada.

They went to bed and Freddie fell asleep instantly. Louis listened to his even breath for a moment and hugged him closer, keeping him between him and Harry to protect him. Harry was laying on his side facing them.
"Haz, have you talked to our families lately?" Louis asked quietly.

"No. Everything happened so fast Lou. I was at the hospital with you and then there was a special news program where the president informed everyone that there had been an accident at a research facility but we shouldn't be alarmed. They said that they had contained a virus. I talked to our families then and they were okay Lou." Harry said.

"Okay." Louis said.

Harry sighed and rubbed a hand over his face.
"I had a bad feeling and we talked it through. The boys went and bought this camper just in case, and everything they could think of. Thank God for that and thank God Niall is something of a doomsday person. He was the one who insisted that we would be prepared for the worst. We just thought that we could use it to drive to New York if necessary and take a flight home to England considering everything was in lockdown in L.A.
The next day everything was chaos. Zombies on the streets, no cellphone service, landlines weren't working either, like someone had cut it so we couldn't reach out to other countries. That's just a theory we have discussed. Anyhow, there was another message from the president asking everyone to barricade themselves in their houses and then nothing. Total silence from the government, no tv stations broadcasted anything. Just a text that went in a loop on every station saying stay inside, the government is handling it. We looked outside and saw freaking zombies. That's when I went to get Freddie and the guys got the last supplies that we needed. It was already chaotic. People tried to leave. Stores got trashed. People got attacked by zombies. It was hell on earth." Harry explained.

"Sounds awful." Louis replied, not really knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry we left you behind." Harry said quietly. His green eyes looked at him apologetically. Louis reached out a hand and stroke Harry's arm.

"You did the right thing, and you already apologized for that Haz. It's okay. I woke up and I found you all." Louis smiled.

"Thank God for that." Harry said softly and shivered, like he was cold.

"We should get some sleep. Big day tomorrow." Louis smiled.

"I just hope we can go home." Harry mumbled.

"Yeah, me too. Good night baby cakes." Louis said.

Harry let out a soft giggle.
"Good night sweetcheeks."

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