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Three weeks went by. They worked hard on the farm. Thankfully the previous owner had a lot of books on the subject so they educated themselves to know how to take care of everything properly.

Harry and Louis were blossoming. They were falling in love all over again, connecting on a whole other level. They took Freddie with them to the barn to feed the animals and Louis's heart swelled whenever he saw Harry interact with his son. Freddie loved Harry and Harry loved his son. They had become close when Harry took care of him. It was beautiful and it made him emotional. He could picture them being a family home in England.

Occasionally zombies found their way to the farm. They had put up spears a meter from the fence that took care of them. All they needed to do was to kill them and throw them in the zombie pit they made in the forest.

They had food and water, they were safe and for right now, that was all that mattered. Unfortunately that would change.

Harry and Louis had just had sex when someone pounded at the front door.
"Is the someone there? Please let me inside!"

Harry pulled on some boxers and grabbed a gun. Louis followed his example. They walked up to the front door.
"Who's there?" Harry asked.

"My name is Jason. Please let me inside. They're close." The man shouted, sounding panicked.

Harry held the gun in front of him and opened the door. A man in his late forties rushed through the four with his breath caught in his throat.
"Are you infected?" Louis asked.

"No, not yet but we'll all be soon. A big herd is on its way here. 300 zombies at least." Jason panted out.

Harry and Louis stared at him for a second before they sprung into action.
They ran upstairs and told everyone what was going on. For the next ten minutes, everyone ran around collecting everything they could think of, throwing food in sheets and making bags of it. They peaked outside and froze.
"They're here." Niall gasped.

They were still standing by the gate but they were all pushing against it and it would break soon. Casper took the charge.
"Get in the trailer all of you. I'll let out the animals. They will go for the first."

"Risky plan, but it's the only one we got. Okay, everyone, run to the trailer." Liam said.

Everyone grabbed as much as possible. Louis carried Freddie. Liam counted to three and opened the door and they all ran to the trailer and hurried inside. Liam took the wheels. Casper and Rebecca jumped on the motorcycle and drove to the barn. The zombies broke through the gate and came into the yard.
"Crap!" Liam said.

Louis would phrase it differently but yeah. They stared at the barn. What was taking them so long? The zombies started to surround the trailer.
"We're never gonna get out of this alive." Niall whimpered.

The doors to the barn opened and the animals came running out, all bleeding.
"That's horrible but smart." Zayn commented.

The zombies smelt the blood and started to go after the animals. Liam started the trailer. They glanced at the barn.
"How will they get out?" Louis asked.

Casper and Rebecca ran out and got on the motorcycle. Casper crossed between zombies, trying to get to the front gate. Most of the zombies were on their way towards the wounded animals. Liam hit the pedal and drove out, hitting a couple of zombies on his way.
"Are they still with us?" He asked.

"Yeah." Zayn said.

Everyone except Liam and Freddie looked at Casper and Rebecca trying to reach the gates. They seemed to make it but then every happened at once. A zombie managed to grab Rebecca and pull her off the motorcycle. They all screamed from the sight. Casper immediately stopped and got off to help her.
"We need to go back!" Barbara shouted.

Curt hugged her, turning her head away from the gruesome scene.
"There's nothing we can do." He mumbled.

Harry took Louis's hand. They were all mortified but Liam kept driving. He stopped when they were far enough from the farm.
"We need a plan."

"Casper and Rebecca just became zombies, we half a little over half a tank and nowhere to go. We're doomed!" Niall said hysterically.

"I have a plan." Jason said.

"Great! The new guy has a plan! Well, let's hear it then new guy!" Niall said in a really high-pitched voice.

"I'm Jason. There's an airport a couple of miles from here. I didn't want to risk going there by myself because it's probably filled with zombies but we're more people now and we have this vehicle."

"So we're just gonna hang out at a zombie-filled airport. Cool!" Niall laughed.

"I'm a pilot." Jason informed them.

"Oh thank God! Take us back to England!" Liam shouted and started to drive again.

"Going over the Atlantic might be our best option. Sure." Jason agreed.

Niall burst out crying and threw himself at Jason, hugging him tightly.
"You're my new best friend Jason!" He wailed.

"Sure, buddy." Jason replied and patted his back awkwardly.

"I feel so bad for Casper and Rebecca." Barbara sighed.

"We all do. They saved us all." Louis said and hugged Freddie closer.

They kept quiet after that. Freddie fell asleep so Louis put him down in one of the bunk beds. Barbara made some food and they toasted for Casper and Rebecca silently.

Jasper sat in the front with Liam giving him directions. They drove for most of the night and when Liam finally stopped they were twenty minutes from the airport.
"We need to get a couple of hours of sleep if we're gonna do this. I'll take the first watch." Liam said.

Harry carried a sleeping Freddie to the back. Louis put his arms around his son protective and Harry spooned him from behind.
"Are we really getting out of here?" Harry asked quietly.

"I fucking hope so." Louis sighed.

ZombiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora