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As he tried to run towards another exit his brain was working overtime trying to remember everything movies said about zombies, which was stupid because movies were fiction and this was reality. Who knew if shooting a zombie in the brain would actually kill them? He needed weapons so he could at least try, and well, this was America. Chances we're pretty big that he would actually be able to find a weapon, even if he had no idea how to actually use it. That would be a problem for later. Now he had to get out of this God-forsaken hospital and find Freddie.

He had reached the back entrance and peaked outside. It seemed to be a staff entrance. A couple of feet ahead there were cars parked. He needed to get to one.  He scanned the different cars trying to find one he could hot wire. Thank God that he had been a messy teen for a short time. He saw one that he knew that he would be able to start without a key. He looked around but the coast was clear. No zombies.

He ran over and smashed the back side window with his elbow to open it. He got inside and ripped the panel open to find the wires.

The sound of glass breaking had caught the attention of some of the zombies and he could see them around the corner. Sweat formed on his forehead. This was a whole new level of stress. He tried to start the car but it wouldn't work.

The zombies that had found their way into the hospital were at the exit door he just went through. There! The car started just as the zombies were getting uncomfortably close. He drove away and stopped so he could get a good look at them, searching for the faces of his bandmates. He had never been more relieved to not find them.

He was also relieved that he was in L.A. That meant that he could go straight to Brianna's to make sure they were okay without having to travel across the country. It was his lucky day. Yeah, not really. He woke up to Zombieland. Had he been in a coma? What day was it? What year was it? What the hell happened to America while he slept? Was it the whole world? Just L.A.? He knew nothing, but the streets were empty except a zombie here and there. L.A. was a ghost town. What if everyone was a zombie and he was the only one alive? Scary thought.

He made it to Brianna's house and ran to the door and knocked. No one opened it so he tried the handle just to find it open.
"Hello? Bri? Freddie?" He shouted but was met by silence.

He got inside and started to go through every room. Freddie's room was empty. When he reached Brianna's he stopped in his tracks and held a hand in front of his mouth and nose. The stench was horrible. He walked closer to the bed. Brianna. A dead Brianna. No, a dead zombie Brianna. He gasped in horror.

Freddie! He panicked and ran around screaming his name while his brain frantically repeated the same sentence "don't be a zombie, don't be a zombie."

He reached the kitchen and noticed a note on the kitchen table with a very familiar handwriting. He grabbed it and started to read.

Hi Lou,
I'm sorry I left you at the hospital. I hope you wake up and I know you go here first thing. Don't worry. I have Freddie. As soon as this madness started I went to get him. He's okay. I'm sorry about Brianna. There was nothing I could do.

You must be so confused if you woke up to this. I don't have the time to explain, just...virus.

I split up with Liam, Zayn and Niall. They went to buy a camper and then we're going to meet up in San Fransisco. L.A. isn't safe. We'll go to the woods, you know that camping spot where we watched the stars one night when our tour bus broke down?

I hope to see you soon.

Thank God for Harry. Freddie was safe. The letter was dated 2 of July. He ran to the living room and turned on the tv. An information video was going in a loop. Deadly virus at a research facility. Employees became zombies, infected others by biting them, and so on. There was a clock and date in the left corner. 16 of July. Harry had been here two weeks ago. Damn it! Who knew if they were still on that camping ground? Well, he had to find out. But first, he needed supplies.

He ran back to the kitchen. Found cans with food and put them in a bag. Crackers, pasta, everything he could think of. He found some empty bottles and filled them with tap water and put everything in a bag. It wasn't enough.

He checked the garage for gasoline but didn't find any but Brianna's car was there. He rushed back into the house and found the keys. He put everything in the backseat and started the car. It showed a full tank.

He drove over to the neighbor and knocked on the door. It was locked. No one opened. He tried the garage. It was open. He found gasoline and threw it in the car and then he tried the door into the house. It was open. He snuck inside. The living room was a bloodbath. Dead zombie woman. Dead man. He had a shotgun next to him so Louis ran over and grabbed it. He searched the house and found a box of patrons and a gun. He took that too before he raided the kitchen. He found some cans and crackers. He brought an opener and a big knife back to the car. He could see five zombies in the distance making their way over. He hurried to get into the car and drive away. He was going to San Fransisco.

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