Chapter Sixt-Three - the ball

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Brand dropped me off at my room, however his lips quickly finding mine again as he pushed me up against the wall, His frame towered over me as I gasped, my naked body pushed up against the cold stone. Brand's hands gripped my waist tightly as I moaned into this mouth.

Brand slowly pulled away as I looked up at him, smiling widely. I felt a calming sensation run through my body as if all the stress of the past few hours blended into a hazy dream.

I gently placed my hand on Brand's face as he closed his eyes, sighing deeply. "Go, do what you need to do, I need to get ready" I said as he nodded placing a soft kiss on my lips as he walked out of the room and I finally got into the shower and started to get ready.

I smiled as I walked out of the bathroom, suprisingly happy for once. Today had begun as a complete shit show, but now it was time to enjoy Bethany's birthday, and I wasn't going to let anything ruin that.

I was going to dress up, dance and probably drink a lot, because why the fuck not. The end of the world could happen any day and I was going to enjoy life while I still could, forgetting about prophecies and all that crap, I deserved this.

As I walked into the closet, pulling my towel tightly around my body I saw a selection of dresses hanging up, I guess Evelyn had finally gotten around to supplying my wardrobe.

I saw the ones Evelyn had certainly placed for me, all of them with a little note on the side to let me know they were the ones she had personally picked out for me. I smiled as I pulled them out and placed them on the bed.

I let out a small laugh as I ran my hand over each one, shaking my head in complete disbelief,

I would have never thought that choosing a dress would be a problem, and not just a normal dress, ones that could literally buy an entire castle. The gems on half of these were probably worth more than I could even bare to think of. I sighed as I placed them back on the bed, gods this was wrong. I really needed to talk to Brand about the people and how we desperately needed to lend our aid.

Life had gotten so crazy recently that I had completely forgotten all about the plans I had started to better our kingdom, and I was disappointed in myself. Just because my life was going to shit, it shouldn't mean that I forgot all the promises I made to the people all over the world and the plans I had to help them.

A Queen needed to be more than her own problems, she was the people. And I have been failing them.

I had been able to send out some care packages and resources to the main city, especially ahead of the winter, but there was so much more I wanted and needed to do, considering the hardship the lands were going to go through with all these prophesied wars.

And whilst I had announced myself to the people, I still needed to get down there myself, and see personally what needed to be done, to get to know them and to get to know what they wanted and needed from me.

I sighed as I walked back into the closet and I saw a white bag still hanging in the wardrobe and I frowned, who was this from? I reached over picking it up as I turned it around and looked at the note attached on it,

I'm sorry Lillian, we need to stop fighting and work together, I don't know what is going on with us at the moment but these silly arguments need to stop. I didn't mean what I said, and I hope you know that. Anyway I saw this and thought that it would suit you. D.

I scoffed as I ripped the note off and threw it away, walking angrily away from the dress. As if I was going to forgive him because he bought me a dress. If he thought that he had another thing coming, screw him.

However as I looked at the dresses on the bed, I slowly realised I didn't want to wear any of them and the thought of the dress hanging in the wardrobe was eating away at me,

I groaned as I walked back to Damien's dress, and I pulled the zip down. I sighed loudly and rolled my eyes, I knew this was going to happen. Of course the dress was gorgeous, and I now knew I had to wear it, if i didn't it was going to be all I could think about all evening. I ran my hands through my hair as I cursed,

Asshole. He knew this would happen. I slowly pulled the dress out of the bag as I climbed into it and walked over to the mirror.  My heart stopped slightly as I took it in, it was beautiful.

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