Chapter fifty-Eight- a birthday

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I covered my face with a pillow as I rolled over wrapping the sheets tighter around me as the light blinded my eyes, I looked around as I slowly climbed out of the bed, Brand already gone.

I sighed as I held my head in my hands, I know I wasn't going crazy. I has spent the whole night tossing and turning, the look on Damien's face when he had no clue what I was talking about burned into my memory.

Something was going on here, and it wasn't anything good.

I walked over the bathroom as I closed the door quietly behind me. I turned to look at myself in the mirror as I looked at myself and I groaned. I looked like crap. Quite literal crap, why was all this happening?

Surely enough was going on I mean gods, this was the last thing I needed, there was too much at stake for my mind to give up on itself. I looked at myself in the mirror as I rubbed the bags under my eyes but as I did I saw my eyes flash red and I stumbled backwards away from the mirror, breathing heavily, shock running through my body.

I walked back towards the mirror slowly as I looked closer. My eyes were slowly flickering, changing from their natural green to red and back again, the power swirling throughout my iris as I looked at it intensely.

I knew it. I wasn't being crazy. I had released all that power, something had changed within me, something was very wrong.

I blinked quickly as my eyes returned to their normal green and stayed the same, the red not returning.

I ran my hand through my hair sighing as I caught sight of the black mark on my wrist, and I groaned. Whilst I guess it had been nice to meet Hecate, she had only warned me of more standard life-threatening issues, but that really had become a daily thing now.

As I stared at the mark I felt a warm feeling flow through me and I felt her, well I felt how I was around her, and it was slightly comforting, knowing she was watching me. Sure all hell was going to break loose, but I knew I was protected, at least a little.

As I slowly pulled my gaze away from the mark on my wrist I got into the shower and prepared for the day.

As I got out of the shower I pulled my towel tightly around me and left the bathroom humming lightly to myself. I walked straight through to the closet unaware of my surrounding as a voice sent a shock to my core,

"Well that's a view" Damien chuckled from my bed as I jumped out of my skin. I stumbled back clutching my chest as I pulled my towel up higher, covering myself,

"Damien, what the hell are you doing in here" I hissed as he smirked standing up, I found my eyes drawn to his chest, not helping he was shirtless, and my eyes trailed down to his v-line very visible above his trousers and I let out a shaky breath.

I gulped as I pulled my eyes up to his face, a smirk on it. "Better wipe that off before I do it for you" I said quietly as he smiled more, sensing my discomfort.

"I came to check on you Lillian. Nothing more, even if you want it" he winked as I rolled my eyes and walked away from him,

"Go away Damien, I don't need more shit from Brand" I said as he followed me, leaning on the doorframe and crossing his arms.

His muscles rippled as I felt my mouth become dry and my eyes were glued to his chest, he coughed mockingly as I scowled picking up a shirt and throwing it at him, hitting him in the face.

"At least be decent, put on a damn shirt" I muttered causing his grin to spread. "Oh I do love winding you up Lillian" he said looking me up and down as I flicked my hair over my shoulder glaring at him,

"Leave, now. I need to change" I said as his face turned serious, "Lillian I am not just here to take the piss, you are scaring me. Last night you were panicked, not yourself, what's wrong?" he said as I chuckled dryly turning to face him as he just held the shirt, not putting it on,

I quickly turned around again, stopping myself from eyeing him up and down as I sighed, "You wouldn't believe me anyway, so why should I repeat myself" I said as I looked over my shoulder at him, seeing his face full with concern,

"Now leave" I said as he didn't move. "Damien leave now, I won't ask again" I said as he sighed,

"Fine, its Bethany's birthday obviously, and we are having breakfast and then a small party tonight, I'm guessing you knew? Anyway dress nicely for breakfast, and refrain from scaring the shit out of me when I'm sleeping again, unless you want to do it with less clothes on next time, at least make it more appealing for me" he said as he walked away winking but not before throwing the shirt back at me, which I held out my hand catching effortlessly as I blushed at his crude words.

"Nice catch" he said walking out as I sighed placing the shirt back in the drawer, the feel of his gaze still running all over my body as I shivered.

I turned away as I sat down on the floor groaning for like the millionth time today. Why was I reacting this way? It was Damien, I mean seriously, Damien. He was an arse, he treated me nice sometimes and like a piece of shit others, why on earth would I be attracted to him, there was just something not right, a piece of the puzzle I was missing, and I had a feeling it was a fucking important piece.

I mean sure he's not bad looking, and sculpted by the gods, but it was Damien. He was the monster parents tell their children about and the thing of nightmares. He was a cold b looked killer, I mean for gods sake, he killed his own parents! I may not be a completely innocent person, but im not that evil. I just completely felt tongue tied around him recently, and the way he looked at me sent dark shivers down my spine, a new sensation not even Brand could provide.

Gods Lillian, stop it, get this man out of your mind, I thought as I stood up letting out a deep breath as I looked through my wardrobe and as I looked through I saw a dress in there which I had never seen before,

I pulled it out as I smiled. There was a small note on it which I picked up, "I knew you would have nothing prepared so I got this made! Now hurry up -E" I chuckled as I read it and gently placed the note on the side,

I lightly ran my fingers over the material as a small spark of happiness rushed through me. She was right though, even though I have enough dresses in here to open a shop, I had nothing prepared, in fact with everything going on I hadn't even thought about Bethany's birthday. What I great sister I am, dear gods.

I quickly changed into the dress as I ran into the room and sat down in front of the mirror, I brushed my hair putting it up as I placed a small amount of makeup on, trying to hide the lack of sleep clearly shown on my face.

As I finished the door swung open and Bethany rushed in. I turned smiling as she ran towards me and hugged me tight, her hand tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear as she scanned me over, clearly the latest news of me losing my mind had gotten to her too, "Happy Birthday Bethany" I smiled as she pulled away,

"Look what Evelyn got me" she beamed twirling in a gorgeous purple dress, "Don't you just love it" she said as I smiled and walked over to the bed, "Here, I wanted you to have this, just in case" I said producing a rather large box, thankfully something I had made before the madness began. "Happy birthday" I said as she grinned and opened the box,

She quickly pulled the lid off as she gasped, pulling the full body armour out. "Lillian, does that mean…" she started as I raised an eyebrow,

"oh gods no, but it's just in case. Also I think it looks pretty badass and you needed a new one" I winked as she grinned and wrapped her arms around me,

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