Chapter Thirteen - Conditions

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Evelyn had a solemn expression on her face as Hyde looked down to the floor. Brand sat there quietly, twirling his glass in his hand as he absorbed all the information that had just been thrown at him.

He hadn't expected all that from her, to be quite honest he was surprised she had shared so much with them, but he could tell whilst she was speaking, she just couldn't seem to stop herself. He doubted she had ever told anyone about her life, not another soul alive would know what she had been through, and they probably never will.

But he wasn't expecting her to have been through such trauma, and she was still so young, barely even begun to live.

No wonder she had such a hatred for the world, any person who had been through that would.

Brand watched her quietly as she run out of the room, and a heavy weight sat in the air from her experiences, "I wasn't expecting that, especially on her first night, she was right. That was a buzzkill." Hyde said dully as he threw his napkin onto the table, his appetite clearly gone. He looked up at Evelyn who shook her head, her nails tapping rhythmically on the table.

"Good for her, I'm glad she told us. We now understand what she's gone through and if she says all the people who she has ended have all deserved it, I believe her. We know half of the vampires she took care of would have only been eventually handed to us anyway, she's right she did our job for us." Evelyn said absentmindedly as the servants began to clear up,

"She is only young and has had to deal with all that, not one of us could comprehend what she has gone through in such a short span of time, we have had our problems sure, but we have lived for centuries, we couldn't even begin to wrap our heads around the way her mind works from all that fucked up shit. And somehow, she has managed to survive it all and wind up here" she said looking at Brand as she sipped from her glass,

Brand didn't have anything further to say, she did it all for her family, that's what anyone would do, but there was something else about her that he was curious about. Brand would have and had done the same as her, her passion about her sister made him uncomfortable as he realised what she meant to her, how dependent they were on each other.

She had never been apart from her throughout everything, and here she was. Forced into a place fate had decided for her, which he knew he had now decided for her.

Brand looked at them as he quickly stood up walking out the room and upstairs, towards her room, her story echoed through his head as he walked up to her door. Upon reaching it he heard her sobbing and he halted at the door, his hand on the doorknob,

Brand didn't want her to be miserable, as if this had now become a new prison for her to suffer in. Brand needed her more than she could know, and he needed her to be happy, here and with him.

Brand knew that what she felt it was now, was the same as that place she had been a prisoner for her entire childhood. Brand knew he had taken her from her home, and had now only given her orders and demands, he didn't even think about the fact she was away from all that she cared about.

Her sister was the only thing she had been living for all these years, why she had done all she had and in the end condemning herself here. Now, Brand had ripped her away from the one thing she had constantly fought and sacrificed herself for, how could she ever be happy knowing it was all in vain? Brand lightly knocked on the door as he heard her scurry away from the door to the opposite side of the room, frantically concealing the result of her revelations. Brand heard a small quiet voice say "Enter" as he opened the door gently,

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