Juliette shook her head. "Not if she goes after you. I'm so stupid, all this time I thought she hadn't paid any attention to you." She pressed a hand to her lips. "She sees everything."

"This is all she wanted; she wanted to get a rise out of you. That's it." Noah took a step toward her.

Juliette's eyes welled up. "No, it's not, and we both know it." She pushed away from the wall, pacing across the length of the room. Her hair had come out of its style, and it hung down her back in gentle waves.

Noah was silent. Juliette was right; they did both know what it was Odette wanted, and how her endless string of lovers was never enough.

"Don't let her get to you," he said, emphasizing each word carefully and hoping he didn't sound too harsh. "That's what she wants. Odette feeds on misery. The more people are miserable, the happier she is."

Dropping onto the sofa and sinking her face in her hands, Juliette heaved a deep sigh. Noah wanted to wrap her in a hug. He wished he could hold her forever and never let her go.

"Jules, we'll be out of here soon, okay? Don't worry about what she wants, or what she's after. Let her think she's winning, if that's what it takes to stay safe and unharmed."

"That's what I've been doing, but it doesn't matter." She sighed. Her eyes finally roved back over to him. "I'm sorry, Noah; I'm so sorry I put you in that position. I should have just swallowed it back, but I—I couldn't."

Noah almost smiled. He shrugged one shoulder, pressing his lips together. "For what it's worth, you're way stronger than I thought."

Juliette barely laughed.

"I mean it. I almost lost you at least twice." His hand twitched, and he once again stamped down the urge to reach for her, to hold her hand. "Don't let her win."

Juliette dashed away another tear. She wouldn't look at him. "I don't care what she says to me, but she... the way she looked at you."

As much as he wanted to refute it, he knew it was pointless. Odette controlled a lot at the palace. Too much, to be sure, but not everything. She couldn't control his thoughts. He and Juliette both knew all too well how Odette liked those on her personal guard to be physically strong as well as physically attractive. Decorations as much as security. Toys and playthings as well as protectors.

Noah held onto the slim hope that because he was on Juliette's guard, he would be just outside of her radar. Because truthfully, he was more concerned at how she'd try to use him to get at Juliette.

"She doesn't even think twice about me," Noah said, crossing the room and plucking a handful of tissues from a box that he handed to her. "She has her own guards she sees every day. They're way more convenient."

"Yeah, because Odette's all about convenience." Juliette dabbed at her face.


"Don't let her touch you, Noah. Please," Juliette begged, her shoulders sagging. She'd never looked more defeated. "I don't care if she threatens to hurt me, but I couldn't take it if she..." she slowed, swallowing. "If she touched you."

Noah shook his head. "I won't let her."


"Promise." Noah straightened his jacket, glancing up at the security camera mounted in the corner. He wasn't sure if someone was watching them right now, but he really hoped not. "Let me grab you some water."


"I don't know. It seems like the appropriate thing to do."

The corner of Juliette's mouth twitched. She leaned back against the sofa, taking a deep breath.

Noah grabbed a glass of water from one of the tables laden with different drinks and snacks. He often wondered why each room in the palace was stocked with small snack items, even when empty.

"Here." He handed Juliette a glass, relieved when she downed the whole thing. "Hey, will you do something for me?" he asked after neither of them said anything for a while.

Juliette looked up at him. "Anything."

Noah nodded to the inside of her forearm where she rubbed herself when she was especially stressed. "Stop hurting yourself. Please."

Juliette visibly tensed. Ducked her head.

"I know habits are hard to break, especially nervous habits, but I don't want you to hurt yourself."

She nodded, but barely. "I don't even know I'm doing it," she said, almost laughing. She glanced down at her arm and shrugged one shoulder. "Some people bite their fingernails. Me? I scratch my wrist."

"Bite your fingernails."

Juliette smiled, a genuine smile, before setting the glass down and wrapping her arms around him.

He hugged her back, squeezing her in a quick pulse before releasing her. He straightened his jacket, casting another glance up at the camera in the corner. Its sensor light blinked lazily at him.

Juliette took a deep breath and let it out. She wiped her face with her hands, then shook her fingers through her hair. Back to being a princess and a guard. She turned and glanced at herself in the mirror hanging over the fireplace, taking a moment to fix her hair and straighten her dress.

The Princess and the Guard (Book 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora