Café Boy

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Dream's pov-

Across the street is a small café, green plant astetic decorating the outside walls. I've never been this this green café, but I've always wanted to. I sit at my comfy arm chair, right next to the window, looking at the café as costomers come and go.

My father owns a big company, earning alot of money. We are a rich family. It's not as cool as you think it is, at least not for me. My father males sure that everywhere I go has to be in speldid condition. Which means I have to go to the really expensive cafés, the coffees there arent even good enough for the price. But the café across the street, my father would call it 'cheap'. From the looks on the costomers face it looks like things they sell are good.

It's currently 7:26 in the morning. I woke up early for no reason at all. I got from bed, sliding on my fluffy slippers. Strolling over to my chair. Relaxing as soon as I sit down. I close my eyes. Sinking into the furniture beneath me. Opening my eyes, changing my sleepy state to the café. Seems like it's not open yet.

From the corner of my eye I see a blue blur, rubbing my eyes and glancing at the outline again.

A boy? Whats he doing at this time?

A brunette-haired boy with a blue sweater and black jeans. A red school bag which he is carrying on his back. His steps where fast but with ease. He looked happy. He stopped Infront of the café, looking for something in his pockets.

Whats he doing?

He's opening the door of the café! Does he work there? I continue to watch him, and no I'm not a creep even though I might act like one.

Knock knock


"What?" I turn my head to the door. Cross my arms against my chest.

"No need to have attitude"

"Well actually I do have a reason"

"Stop making stupid excuses"

"I'm not! I want to go outside without having to spend ridiculous amounts of money."

"Why not? We have enough of it?"

"I know that dad. You won't stop bragging about it. I want to go meet people, people who won't use me for money, people who will love me for me! All of your money is distorting our relationship. Father and son, your supposed to do what's best and what I want to do. You always think about your god damn self! I'm fucking sick of it. I'm done playing your games. I'm out!" I have finally lost it. I'm screaming at him. I'm so done with him. I quickly grab some clothes and run out my room, slamming the door behind me.

"DONT FOLLOW ME!" i shout as I run to the bathroom furthest from him. I rush in and lock the door behind me. Getting it of my pajamas and putting on the clothes I grabbed. Plaeing my phone in my pocket as well as a 10 Dollar note. Unlocking the door and running down the hallway, slipping on some shoes and I was out the door in five minutes.

I knew exactly where I will go, now that I'm out I can finally go anywhere i want. And i want to go to the green café. No thinking twice. I find myself crossing the street to the cute, cosy drink place. I walk in after hearing a small bell as the door opened.

"Hello! Oh I haven't seen you here before, are you a new costomer? I usually work full hours so I would of probably noticed you if not." I nervous giggle escaped the boys lips. It was the same brunette who opened the store.

"Uhh, yeah I'm new. But Ive wanted to come here from a while, it's nicely decorated. It has a cosy vibe." This is so awrkard.

"Oh well first, welcome to Café Green. And thanks you for the compliment, I decorated it myself, it was quite difficult finding green things" my face jets up as another giggle escapes his mouth.

"If it's ok, how is it hard to find green?"

"Oh right, I'm colourblind, protan. Greens and yellows look similar, and so do purples and blues. But blue is the colour I can see easily."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, is that a hard thing to live with?"

"Umm not really since Im used to it. But getting though secondary school (high school) was definitely hard, mostly because of dealing with the bullies everyday. They made fun of me for getting colours wrong when it's not my fault I'm colourblind. But it's going great now. Can i get you something to drink or, a little snack?

"That's just plain mean. And yes please, one cappuccino and a strawberry tart please. Which table would you like me at?"

"Alright that's coming up, also I recommend the table in the corner as it  has the best view of the town square. I'll be with your order in a minute."

"Ok" I walk over to the recommended table and look out towards the building where i lived. I need to move out. I can't stand my dad, I'll just borrow some money and get myself an apartment, simple. That's it. Look of a job and earn my own money.

"Here you go sir, I something bothering you?" He takes the chair opposite and looks me im the eyes.

"How do you know, we only just met?"

"I'm actually not sure, I guess I'm good at reading expressions. So before you tell me what's wrong, I'm George, what's your name?"


"Nice name, so what's up?"

"My dad"

"Oh, family issues suck, just saying"

I laughed and brought my head up, looking at his brown eyes.

"I totally agree with you"

"Most people do"

I smiled and looked back at the building.

"We live up there, my dad owns lots of money and he keeps telling me to spend it on expensive things and stores. But really this coffee is much better than a £50 coffee."

"Thank you. It's made with love, expensive coffee is made with money lust"

"Too right there"

We both look out to the street.

"Hey, I've never met someone like you, could we be friends?" The café boys asks. Mm I like that name. He works at a cafe and he a cute, adorable boy.

"I think we can be more"


"Well I mean, your personality is just so kind and thoughtful. Your not like the people who only wanted me for the gold."

"I wouldn't use you, that's not who I am."

"And that's why I like you."

"Well.. take it slow, we are still basically strangers"

I laughed and looks at him

"Of course. Your also very beautiful"

His face turns bright and hides it face in his hands.


I laughed

"Alright café boy"

"Café boy? I like that"

I smiled and closed my eyes.

This is me, what I've wanted for ages. Someone to love and somewhere to go. I can love the boy and go to the café. I grab my drink and take a sip.

My café boy.

Word Count- 1206

So, I had this idea fro a while and I've finally finished. It was sort of rushed towards the end... Sorry.

Love you to the moon and back💓💗


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