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Hey there lovely people~

If you have came so far then I hope that you must have enjoyed the story and wish to read more. This story is continued with Bella and Xavier's adventures that lead them to their hidden, interconnect past. The book is completed there with 200+ chapters (3 volumes) on the WEBNOVEL APP under the name "DEVIL'S EYES".

 The book is completed there with 200+ chapters (3 volumes) on the WEBNOVEL APP under the name "DEVIL'S EYES"

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This is a picture of my profile's outlook with the username QUEEN_

I have others books available there as well. Make sure to check them out as well if you are a fantasy freak. Also, don't forget to show you support to the author by voting. 😊

Hope to see ya'all there!

Lots of love ❤️

The Devil's enchanting Eyes Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu