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Xavier's pov~

I got informed that a member of some Rival gang was seen roaming in our area. As my dad was not here so I had to take care of that matter myself. I sent my men to track him down and they told me that he was seen at a fair.

I knew this gang well. They kidnap and sell young kids to different countries for prostitution or slavery. Also, they are involved in activities like selling drugs to teens. We also have a huge gang running but at least we don't do such low business involving innocent people. We have our rules and we don't hurt or do anything illegal to innocent people specially kids.

Except for the fighting club but there too we don't allow teens for dangerous fights. All the people who come there fight willingly for money and are never allowed to hurt each other more than bruises or dislocated joints. But like all the other mafias existing around, we fight and kill whoever comes in our way without remorse as the underworld has its demands.

I told my men to stay outside and wait for me. I could have ordered my men to kill him but I like to take care of these things myself, else I am not satisfied. I wore my usual attire and went to the fair. We saw him hiding in the dark area checking out some girls who were standing there.

Fucking bastard!

He thinks he can kidnap a girl from my area and get away with it?

He thinks wrong!

I cocked my gun and followed him. I informed my men to surround the area. He could possibly have had more people with him. I pressed my gun in his back upon reaching close and motioned him to move towards the woods.

I always give people a chance before I decide to finish them so I gave him one as well but instead of accepting my offer, he threatened me. I should have laughed at his stupidity for threatening his death but instead of wasting my time upon that, I did what I was supposed to. I was about to alert my men to check for his other members when I heard a shrill scream.


I looked in the direction of the voice and saw someone running away but I was fast and grabbed the person before they could have escaped and caused a whole new mess for me. As soon as I placed my hands on the petite figure, I knew it was a girl. I held her against a tree and put my hand on her mouth stopping her from making any noise.

Her lips felt so warm and soft under my hand. Her eyes were shut tightly and she was shaking. My heart started jumping violently when I recognized her.

What the fuck is happening?

It must be some kind of sick joke.

Out of all the fucking people, how could she be here? Was she following me?

How did she know it was me?

I wanted to ask so many questions but her condition worried me.

Her hands were on my chest shaking uncontrollably, tears coming down her face and wetting my hand as well.

I knew what she might have been feeling. I felt the exact same way when I first saw a man murdered in front of me. I was depressed for weeks.

It's not easy to see a life being taken away!

And now I do this myself...

But for me it was different. I was a part of this darkness my whole life but she is too innocent for that. I felt guilty because I knew she won't be able to forget that.

I never cared about my truth, my identity or my secrets but I didn't know why I wanted to hide those from her. I didn't want her to find out that it was me.

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