“I’M HOME!” He said after releasing me from his tight hold. He struck the ‘nice guy’ pose as I sweat dropped. The mask suddenly started to suffocate me, as I tried to pry it off. It was appended to my face, almost as if it’d been glued on. Gai, who saw my sudden struggling peered at me, and saw my face turning an uncanny shade of blue, as I suffocated. He attempted to peel the mask off me as my air was running short. At last resort, Gai brought out his kunai and slashed it at the cursed cloth.

The mask dropped to the ground, in shreds as the air went back to my lungs. I attempted to breathe by taking in all the air. I felt weak, and I let my arm support me by pressing it into the closest wall.

“What the hell was that?” Gai asked, in a frightened tone.

“A…mask…I…found…” I heaved.

“Why would you do that act of unyouthfullness?”

“I didn’t want them to see my face…” I said, regaining my breath.

“That is not a youthful reason!” He yelled. Suddenly, the rest of our team came barging into the room. Ten Ten’s and Lee’s eyes turned white and jaws dropped as they saw my face.

“A-a-a A BISHOUNEN??” Ten Ten and Lee exclaimed at the same time. Neji shot me a questioning glance and I looked back with a repentant look. I sighed, glad that Lee didn’t recognize me at all. I sat down with my legs crossed, and arms folded, as my back leaned against the wall.


“IT’S THE EPITOME OF YOUTH!” Lee exclaimed, with the same enthusiasm. Thankfully, he was too dense to recognize me.

“Um, thank you guys…”I said while scratching my face.

“Are you not going to wear the mask anymore when we get back to the village?” Ten Ten questioned.


“Why not?” she asked.

“I don’t want to,” I said. They sweat dropped at me, and I looked at them.

“That’s not a very youthful reason…”

“I’m buying a new mask in a nearby village. You cannot tell anyone about my face or how I look. But please, lend me some bandages to wrap around my face. I cannot expose my face for certain reasons, but please just respect that,” I divulged. They remained quiet at my request, but soon gave into agreement. They complied, and handed me their extra bandages and I began to wrap my face, almost like how Zabuza Momichi had done before his death. They all soon left the room, except for Neji who sat down next to me with an annoyed gaze lingering on his face.

“I told you not to wear that mask!” He said with a vexed tone.

“Sorry, sorry,” I said, giving him a closed eye smile, obviously because I can’t smile with a mask on. He sighed and poked me in the forehead. I yelped out at the sudden pain.

“You’re such a girl.”

“Because I am thank you very much, Hyuuga-sannnnn,” I said formally, in mock respect, “I admire your skill for such observations!”

“Do not mock me,” he grumbled while crossing his arms. I got up, and gave a pseudo salute, and marched on out the door. While I was about to open the door to the bathroom, Gai stopped me.

“There is a second part to the mission that I think only you could complete, I haven’t told the others yet, but I need you to this. Go the Akatsuki Base, and pose as a starving girl, since you’re pretty and the epitome of youth, they will most likely allow you entrance. Then steal a scroll from them. We are out on the frontiers of the Hidden Rain Village which will…” he droned on and on about my mission. I hesitated, considering this could be a win-lose situation for me. If they kill me then game over for me.

“Isn’t this….dangerous?”

“I guess so,” he said while scratching the back of his head.

“If I die, it’s your fault. But I’ll do it, hopefully they won’t recognize me,” I said. Before he could respond, and I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. This was going to be difficult for sure.

~Next Morning~

“Well I’ll be off! Bye~” I said in a casual tone, contradicting myself, considering I could possibly be dead in the next 24 hours. It didn’t bother me, I was strong, and everyone was bound to die. All my clan secrets would die with me. I was wearing a blonde wig with bangs, and blue contact lenses. I could pass for Naruto’s sister if he had one, I thought, smiling to myself. I had intentionally worn out my Kimono, and not eaten the day before to appear as if I was left to my own. I had a faint idea about where the Akatsuki base was, knowing it was in the outskirts of the forest.

Soon, I reached an approximate area, where I began to wander around hoping at least one member would appear. Just my luck, I saw the black cloak with red clouds. I pretended to look frighten as the tall male began to approach me.

“Well what do we have here? A cute little bitch looking for some money?” he asked. His gray hair was slicked back, and his purple eyes gleamed in lust.

“N-no, just looking for a place to stay…” I shivered, feeling danger emitting from the vulgar man.

“Whatcha waitin’ for, come on, let’s fucking go bitch,” he said as he strongly grasped my wrist with such strength I thought my wrist was going to snap. We soon approached a large rock, where he made a seal, and I pretended to be frightened. He forcefully led me into a dark passage way, and soon entered a large room with 5 other members lounging around the TV.

“Hidan brought himself a toy?” A man with blue skin asked.

“That’s completely irrelevant to you,” a red-haired man said while keeping his eyes on the book he was currently reading.

“Shut the fuck up,” Hidan said. A sudden familiar blonde streak of hair caught my eye, as my eyes widened. This wasn’t possible…

“Dei-niichan?” I asked, almost unsure of myself. The blonde, froze, and turned toward me with equally wide eyes. His familiar blonde hair, stood in resemblance to mine, despite the lengths of it. His tall frame stood against my short stature, his one eye almost disbelieving.



JENNY: IM SERRY FOR NOT UPDATING LATELY. I have exams, its been hell like omg i cant even study break right now hope you guys like the chapter even though i suck at writing and maybe ill upload TSOA (when i finish writing it lololol) and ive had a recent addiction to starbucks but i feel bad cause its so exspensiveee. yeah im hyper and stuff. Vote, comment, fan idc just read if you want to. howdy :c

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