He uncaps a water bottle he brought with him and press it on my mouth, making me drink water. I gulp down the medicine.

"You know, you could've just untied me," I say.

"Why bother untangling the chains when I can just feed you myself? Now do tell, what are you? Why are you? And how you are here."

"You don't have to keep me tied down. I am not going anywhere or doing anything wrong. I am completely harmless. Why did you even think about tying me up? Supernatural tigresses don't exist, not that I know of. But as long as witches and travellers exist, anything's possible. And about what I am, why I am and how I get here, I will tell you if you stay on my good side. But you chaining me down is getting me quite disgruntled" I babble off. 

"What do you know about witches and travellers?"

"That witches created wolves, vampires, immortal beings. Doppelgangers exist as a result of one of their doings. The other side and whatnot,"

"Yeah, right. you are a witch?" He inquires.

"Meh! Get me out of these chains, goddamnit!" I harshly tug on the restrainers.

"Easy there, little tigress," he pinches my cheek with a cute smirk plastered on his face.

He moves the chains hastily. As soon as they get loose I pull my hands out.

"Why did you even tie me up? That was so unnecessary," I mumble getting up from the chair.


"You never told me why you are here as a prisoner," can he stop or do I have to unscrew out his head from his body to get him to stop.

Maybe if you tell him, he will stop.

Aren't you taking a break?

We were walking our way to my grandfather's or my mother's father's house which wasn't that far. I had been here the day before I was thrown into a prison world for the first time. I visited this place in each prison.

"You never shut that mouth of yours, do you?" I fire back.

"Tell me the reason, I might shut up,"

"I stepped on a turtle and the next thing I knew was a group of witches circling me, chanting 'sangiema' something. A big fat white ray of light flared on me and hooray! I was in a prison world," I fed him some more obvious lies. He rolls his beautiful blue eyes.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I might have believed you,"

"Aww, you don't believe me?" I pouted, putting up a sad face. "Lies aside, where's the ascendant?"

"Why don't you find out?" He says in a singing tone.

"I know you have it,"

"I don't," he leans close.

"You do," I lean closer.

"I don't," by reading his face I can tell he is not lying.

"You don't,"

"Yup. Right, I don't,"

"Do you at least know who's magic do we need?"

"I know, it is-" he tries to speak but then chokes on nothing.

"You ok?"

"I am. I know who we need. It's- why can't I say it? Like it's in my throat but it is not rolling off my tongue," he pinches the skin on his throat.

"Cut the drama. If you don't want to say it or if you don't know, then say so,"

He gulps on air, "I do know but- What if dad did something?"

"What? Where did your dad come from?"

"Joshua, the Gemini leader, the one who handles the prison worlds," he says.

"Disgusting!" I cringe out before asking, "He is your dad?" To which he answers with a "yes."


"Why would he do something like compelling you not to talk about it? It's not a compulsion but it is close," I ask.

"We will find the ascendant. you know the spell, I'm guessing. I know who's magic we need. The things stopping us from escaping and that is the magic and the ascendant location," he points out.

"Good thing we are at my grandie's house," I step in and fast walk to the bookshelf where she kept the talismans.

"Who's Grandie? Why is that a good thing?" He says falling onto a couch.

"My grandad," I say as I look through the talismans, finding one of mine. Holding it in my hand I stand behind the couch. I press my fingers on Kai's temple. He was taken off guard.

I close my eyes and start chanting, he starts struggling. Some 2 seconds type of clips flashes before my eyes.

Then a clip of him and-


Two Of A Kind ⍟ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now