I didn't want to hear it; all I wanted to do was get out of here, so I swung back my hand and smack him dead in his face.

    Watching him fall to the floor, I mumbled under my breath loud enough so he can hear me, "I said fuck off." I soon hurried up out the bathroom before he could get up and start throwing licks. I am not scared or anything it's just my mind was not thinking straight. I walked around the school trying to find an empty class to get my anger out of. I soon found room 231 and walked in closing the door quietly. 

    'Aaahhhh! Mhhhmmm!' his moans constantly repeating in my head .

    "Ugh!" I shouted to the top of my lungs, "Get out of my head!" I started throwing things around and kicking the desk. I wanted those sounds out of my head so bad. I keep on thinking about boys, the way their body looked, looking at every feature, and then comparing them to each other to see who owns it best.. I don't even fucking know how these feeling started! I couldn't talk to anyone about it because I am suppose to be the toughest kid with no problems. So I would keep it in not saying a word. I guess it all boiled up to where I couldn't handle it anymore. It was a good thing this class was far away from other classes because I sure made a lot of noise throwing desks around.  

    After about five minutes of throwing things around I soon sat on the floor being out of breath my emotions suddenly switched on me, and I started crying. I felt like a girl as I cried my eyes out. I couldn't help it though, it was just too much to keep in. As I keep it in, I just get so angry at myself. 'I need to tell someone.' I thought  'and now before this gets out of hand.' 

    My phone vibrated in my pocket telling me someone text-ed me. I didn't want to be bothered not one bit, but I looked at the message anyway. It said coming from Nate:

    "Did you give that shit head what he deserved?"

    I smirked a little, but soon faded as the thoughts came back up again. I text-ed him back saying 'Yeah' and looked at the time; it was almost time for third period. I knew I was going to get written up for skipping, but I don't care, to me, this time right now was way more important.

Getting up then whipping my eyes, I walked out the class room and wondered around school till the bell ringed.

    After walking around for about ten minutes the bell ranged for third period. By then my head was clear and I was back to normal. Spotting Nate I shouted, "Nate!" He turned around startled a little bit, I think because my voice is pretty deep and it just carries; you think he would be use to it by now after being friends so long. Walking towards me, Nate gave me a huge smile showing all thirty-two teeth. I smirked at him and gave him a fist pound. "Dude I seen what you did to that kid. Man congrats!" , he exclaimed. 


    "Dude, you know that kid who thought he could stand up to you?"

    "Oh, yeah" I said remembering what happened, then suddenly feeling kind of upset, but not wanting to showing it.

    "Well he has a huge ass mark on his face from you hitting him right below his eye, everyone is talking about it." I stopped and couldn't believe what I was hearing.

    "Really? I didn't know I caused that. I mean yeah I hit him, but I didn't know I hit him that hard."

    Nate laughed while putting his hand on my shoulder. I then stared into space while stopping for a second. How in the world could I do that? I was trying to hit him to were he'd back off, not to where he would get a big ass mark like Nate said. 

    "Mason!" I jumped back to reality now looking at Nate from calling my name. 

    "Huh? Oh sorry man, I was just thinking. "

    "It's fine dude, but look here he comes now, the boy you hit." as Nate pointed down the hallway I look to see him coming down the hall as everybody whispered things as he passed. He kept his head down the whole time disreagarding everyone's comments or so I thought.

This school is so messy it is not even funny; they're all ass holes. 

    As he walked passed me he picked his head up looked dead in my eyes as I saw that mark on his face I gave him. Damn! I really did give a huge as mark like Nate said. As I stared into his eyes my heart began to hurt a little feeling pity. I didn't mean to hit him that hard.

    I seen so much hurt and pain in his eyes as a tear feel down his cheeks . As soon as that tear feel, he looked away and started to run off. 

    "I didn't mean for this to happen." I said to myself lowly. I watched him run off as kids laughed at him saying, " You got bitch slapped fag!" 

    I wanted to go after him, but I didn't, instead I gave people high fives. 

Stop Abusing Me (Under Final Revision)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें