"That's disappointing." Sehun had nothing to add afraid he'd already tarnished his chance at being their beloved daughter's potential. "But I like hard working people who live honest lives. Namjoo's a bit naïve, but she's also ambitious and from time to time narrowminded. She needs someone sincere to be with her, support her when she tries new things, and believe in her."

Gripping the fork between his fingers he peered at the elder man. Suddenly the heavy worries he'd come with that had clouded his vision dispersed. All he saw was a kind man looking back at him, sharing with him different sides of his daughter Sehun may not know. Understood a little late the man was trusting him to be good man to his daughter.


"Who is he?" her mother questioned in a shushed voice at the sink. Stacks of plate clattered onto the counter gently as she leaned into her. "What about the other one you kept talking about?"

"I'll tell you next time, mom." Namjoo yearned to shrink away.

"I want to know right now!" the woman hissed. "Were you dumped?!"

"No!" Namjoo nearly yelled. Flustered, she did her best, "It just happened. That's all."

"So, you like this new one?"

"He..." forget explaining. Her mom did not need information about her affairs. "Yes. Yes, I like him."

"Well, then..." her mother leaned away. Closely inspecting her, "If you like him, then I'll believe you. You're not a teenager anymore, so I hope you'll be wise about your decisions."

On the way home, Namjoo reached over the console to hold Sehun's hand. He'd been sort of quiet two minutes into the drive, even though he'd been noisy polite with his parents on the way out.

"You ok?" Namjoo asked.

"I'm fine."

"For real?"

Finally showing her his face, he smiled, "For real."

Readjusting her grip, she gladly told, "See, they like you."

"Do they? I hope so."

"I told Chanyeol I'm visiting my parents today," Namjoo shifted the topic. "I won't see him today."

His eyes searched her.

"But I promised him we can meet up after church tomorrow," Namjoo informed. Sehun's expression dropped a bit. "The show is wrapping up at the end of the month, so I'll be busy for a while. We might not get to see each other until the trip to your mother's."

"You're talking two to three weeks?"

"Could be."

"I hate it. When things like this happens." He complained.

"Maybe in the future it won't."

That fast his head swiveled in her direction, but she had already parked and was sliding out of her chair. Walking around the car she yanked his door open.

Grabbing his hand, "Come on."

He let her lead him toward the security locked doors. Maybe he knew, so he wasn't saying anything. Maybe he could feel it deep down in his blood like the many times they'd already connected. Sense it in the air. The incoming wave of affection and love about to come washing down on them.

It wasn't late into the afternoon yet, but half the day was still waiting on them. At the close of the door, she touched the button of his shirt. Felt the thumping of his heart against her breast.

"My period ended a little early." She shared.

"Oh..." he murmured. "Is that ok?"

"I think I'm just stressed." Namjoo explained working on another button.

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