The Mystery Fighter III (12)

Start from the beginning

With a clenched hand, I was just about ready to risk my cover being blown when Zeke cleared his throat from across the table.

«I'm sure Claire doesn't need to know the details of the assault, Barney,» he called out.

«Why?» Barney glanced at Zeke, then back at me. «You hate that gang, don't you?»

I met his gaze, the urge to punch his nose into his head growing by the second.

He cocked his head and looked at me questionably. Gathering up the last of my restraint, I sent him the fakest smile I had and nodded my head.

«I just don't enjoy knowing the details,» I said.

«Girls don't want to hear about all that, Barney,» Zeke chuckled and threw me an apologetic look. «Stabbings, blood, broken bones; can't you see she's uncomfortable?»

I remained silent and settled for taking another bite of the sandwich in my hand. I needed to shut up before I did something I might regret later. Let them believe what they want. It wouldn't matter in the end. They would figure out why I acted the way I acted soon enough.

I peaked over the table at Zeke as the conversation shifted to a topic I had no reason following. His elbows were resting on the table with a beer bottle loosely gripped in one hand and a half-eaten sandwich in the other. His hair was tied back in a loose ponytail, just as he had worn it yesterday. A few loose strands of hair were tucked behind his ear.

Looking at him up close like this, I noticed he had a light stubble across his chin, the blonde hair barely visible in the light.

As expected, he must have noticed my grimace back then with Barney. Thankfully, he had misinterpreted the reason behind it.

He truly was one to look out for.

As if noticing my eyes on him, Zeke's attention turned to me. Saying nothing, he just smiled and gave me a quick nod of the head.


I forced a small smile back before finishing the sandwich and crumpling the wrapper into a ball. I should leave quietly while I still had my wits about me.

Tossing the wrapper into a nearby trashcan, I cleared my throat and stood up from the table.

«Well, I'm off,» I muttered, putting my hands into my pockets. I turned before waiting for a reply.

«Hey, wait!» Barney's voice rang out behind me.

I rolled my eyes at his obnoxiously loud voice. Still, I paused.

«You'll join our talk with that accountant at six, remember?»

I frowned, not remembering any mention of a talk with an accountant.

Turning back around to face the group, I cocked my head in question.

The Mystery Fighter IIIWhere stories live. Discover now