Jeno thought that this was a really great idea because no matter how much they fought, he didn't hate the other. He was sure that Jaemin was thinking the same thing because he never hurt him too much. He only had a few bruises from their encounters but that was all and Jeno saw what the other could do with his powers. There were times that he'd definitely not make it alive if Jaemin was doing his best.

In the organization Jaemin's ability was listed as A1, which meant that there was no one else confirmed to have the same powers. Whatever he could do was extremely rare and would be perfect to help the government. Jeno also wouldn't mind a company, after his best friend- Mark, vanished 1 month ago and never came back to the organization.

"What are you thinking about so much Lee?" Jeno glanced at the other boy calling him and saw Jaemin smiling. Jeno had to be truthful to himself, that smile was pretty but also cunning at the same time.

Jeno shrugged and leveled his eyes with the ground. "Nothing." Jaemin giggled at that and moved a little bit closer to the other man.

"So did you decide finally? Are you coming with me and joining my team?"

This was something that Jaemin tried to get Jeno to do for about 3 months now. Without much success. Jeno knew that Jaemin had his team 'backstage' and that they worked together. He was trying to persuade the older boy to join them by saying that the organization was the bad people when in reality it was Jaemin and his team that did bad things. Jeno didn't understand why the other boy didn't want to work for the sake of the world together with the government.

"No, I'm not. And I'll never do so you can stop asking." Jaemin let out a loud sigh and stood up.

"Well, in that case it's time for me Lee. I can't let your team to catch me.-" The younger boy giggled. "-But don't think that I'm letting go. You'll join my team no matter what." Jaemin winked at him and after 5 seconds he was already in the air, flying away.

Exactly 10 seconds later his team showed up and started searching for the boy that was already far away. Jeno never did anything to stop Jaemin because he believed that the other will eventually see what is really the right choice and join him in the organization.

After another mission that ended up as a failure because of Jaemin, the organization did something that they never did. They made it the priority that whoever will see Jaemin has to catch him and bring him to their main office no matter what. For Jeno it meant making everything that he could to avoid the other boy. He didn't want to force him to do anything but if he'll see him he has to do what the organization wants him to do.

Thankfully he didn't have to think about it right now as he was enjoying his free day with, now, his only friend.

He knew Donghyuck since elementary school and they shared all of their secrets with each other. It was hard for Jeno to not say anything about the organization and whatever he was doing there. It was the first and only time that he went against the policy of that place and told Hyuck everything. His friend was always interested in that kind od stuff, so he always waited for Jeno to come back and tell him what he was up to.

After Donghyuck was done with college he asked Jeno if he wants to live together. They decided to do it and after 1 month they already had their own apartment. It wasn't much as there were only 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and a big hall that worked as a living and kitchen area but they managed. Hyuck didn't get much money from his job meanwhile Jeno wasn't paid at all. Organization only provided him with enough money to not starve and have a place to live in.

After few weeks they finally both had a free day at the same time and decided to use it fully. They went to the café place that Hyuck always occupied when he was still studying.

"But think about it, don't you think that your crush says a little bit of truth?" Donghyuck asked his friend as he was sipping on his drink. Jeno rolled his eyes at that.

"First of all he's not my crush, he's an enemy.-" Hyuck chuckled and Jeno sent him a glare. "-Also what truth are you talking about? Do you really think that the organization is bad? They are doing so much good."

Hyuck contemplated for a few second whatever he wants to say. "I know Jen, I know that they do something good but life is not all rainbows. Like- you don't even know how they help this kids. Have you ever seen any of the kids that you brought there?-" Jeno shook his head. "-Exactly, it's a little bit weird. And I'm not saying that they are bad, there are just a lot of secrets around it."

They became silent after that, Jeno thinking about what his friend told him and Donghyuck finishing his drink.

"On the other hand, have you heard anything from Mark?" Hyuck asked the other. Jeno's eyes instantly became sadder.

"No, I have no idea where he is."

Donghyuck hummed. "The organization still doesn't know anything?"

Jeno shook his head. "All I got from them was that Mark went on a mission and just never came back. All of his communication devices were found but he wasn't"

The silence took over them again as all 3 of them were friends and both boys missed Mark a lot. Jeno did try to find him but there was no trace of him left. He even went to Mark's place but found out that someone else rented it already. He literally vanished from the Earth.

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