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Chenle was a really good driver. Not only was he able to lost the organization car that followed them but also drove carefully remembering in what condition Jaemin was. It took them an hour to get to the place where the plane was. 

Jeno through out the whole time was putting his entire attention on Jaemin. He heard Chenle and Jisung talking about something but he didn't really care. He made sure that the younger was as comfortable as possible and that he wouldn't be hurt more. Renjun called and asked in what condition Jaemin was in but Jeno wasn't able to answer him. It was too dark to see anything. 

They were able to get to the plane before 6 a.m. As soon as the car stopped there were rushed steps and voices telling them to hurry up. 

Jisung hopped out first and opened the truck to take all of the bags from there. Chenle collected the things that were under a driver seat. It looked like some kind of high technology that Jeno has never saw before. 

On the other hand Renjun opened the back door and called Jeno to hurry up. They didn't know if the organization was still following them or not. Mark was already in the plane, to make sure that he wasn't seen by anyone else. Hyuck was with him also. 

Jeno put his hands under Jaemin back and legs and carried him. He was only able to catch a glimse of the plane because it was really dark. The machine wasn't as small as he thought it would be. He got to know, later on, that this plane was used for vip people. Jeno had no idea how Renjun knew anyone like that. 

He followed the shorter man and walked to the cabin which had a seat that you could turn into bed. Jeno laid Jaemin, as careful as he could, on said seat and walked out. There was no point for him to stay there. Renjun didn't even glance at him. The moment he put Jaemin down Renjun started helping with the younger boy injuries. 

Jeno walked to the front where all the other boys were at. There were 6 single seats and a bench that could fit 4 people. It was definitely an interesting plane. Mark and Hyuck were sitting in single seats next to each other when Jisung and Chenle were on the bench.

"Jen! You're finally here!" It was Donghyuck who said it. He motioned at Jeno to sit next to him which the older did quickly. The plane started the moment he sat down. 

There was silence for a few minutes, everyone waiting for the machine to stabilize. As soon as they were safely flying Hyuck unbuckled his belt and turned to look at Jeno. "I knew that there was something fishy about that organization. No one is as good as they paint themselves to be."

Jeno laughed. Donghyuck was actually one of the people who were doing charity work for the organization. The older didn't think that it was a right thing to remind the other about that. In return Jeno turned to look at Mark to find out what they will do after landing. 

"What is the plan for New Zealand?" Mark who was chatting with Chenle glanced at Jeno and pulled out some documents which he handed to the younger boy. 

"We rented an RV, for 6 months for now but we'll need to see how thing will go." Jeno looked at pictures. "We need to move all the time because otherwise organization might find us. RV seemed like the best option. We'll stay in isolated areas at first but later on we'll go to camping sites." 

Jeno was still looking through the documents when Donghyuck got interested in their future whereabouts. "But how about food and like stuff that we'll need?" 

Chenle looked up from Jisung shoulder (they were playing a game together) and answered. "We have enough food for about a week, if we count just the dry ingredients we can live without going to any shops for about a month." 

"A month!?" Hyuck's eyes widened. "We won't be able to have contact with outside world for a whole month?" 

"I mean, you technically can go out. I'll be more than happy to help you reach your dream and go out of our RV." Chenle smiled innocently at Hyuck and went back to watch Jisung play a game. 

Mark stopped Hyuck from reaching Chenle and made him sit as far away from the other as possible. Then he let out a loud sight, the future definitely seems entertaining.

"The RV is for six people as we only planned for the maximum of 6 to go, so we'll have to somehow work with that.-" Mark came back and sat down next to Jeno to continue explaining things. "-There's also problem with driving but it all depends on Jaem's condition."

"Why does it depend on his condition?" Jeno asked. 

"To drive there you need to have an international driving license. Only me and Jaemin have one, the rest of the boys don't. At the beginning we'll have to move around every day. We won't be able to stay anywhere longer than for a day. If Jaem won't be able to drive I'll have to do all of it. I'll be too exhausted to use my powers in case of an attack." 

This was a serious problem. Driving is super exhausting, especially driving something as big as an RV. Jeno doesn't have an international license so he won't be able to help Mark. 

As they were engaging in small talk, not only about New Zealand but also about what they have been up to, Jisung and Chenle joined them. Donghyuck was sulking but liked talking too much to just stay quiet. It turned out that him and Chenle were quite similar. How unfortunate for everyone else. 

The chatting was going on smoothly until Renjun came back from the other cabin. Silence took over and even Hyuck didn't start anything. Jisung who was the whole time doing something on his phone let go of the device and focused on the boy that just came. 

"Jun? How is he?" Mark asked and waited. Renjun didn't answer right away just stared at the floor in front of him. He slowly walked to the bench and sat down next to Chenle. 

"His body is totally exhausted. He didn't regain consciousness when I was cleaning his scars. He also lost a lot of blood and has bruises all over his body but he'll wake up." 

Jeno let go of a breath that he didn't even know he was holding in. He let his back fall on the seat. He was so relieved with the outcome and his heart felt like it could fly. 

"What about his powers? Are they alright?" It was Chenle who asked and looked at Renjun. There was a possibility for a superhero to lose his powers if he used them recklessly while being exhausted and this is exactly what Jaemin did to save them. 

"I mean you two can still feel Jaem, right?" Both Mark and Jeno nodded. "Then it should be alright." 

"I have a question." Jeno said and waited for Renjun's reaction. He didn't know if the shorter boy would like to talk with him or not. It seemed like everyone looked at both of them feeling the tension. It was clear that the other disliked Jeno and he had all the rights to do so. Renjun glanced at him. 

"Go on." With green light Jeno decided to ask about something that didn't let his mind rest. How come Jaemin knew what people from organization planned and was able to save both of them. It was finally time to understand how the younger powers worked. 

Renjun hesitated before coming to the conclusion to tell Jeno the truth. 

 "Well, you know that he has powers that have something to do with wind,-" Jeno nodded. "-using wind he can move himself but also attack and make a shield like he made for both of you earlier today." This much Jeno already knew. That was the power that Jaemin used the most, it wasn't able to kill but could slow down an enemy. 

"Another thing is electricity. When his hands light up, similar to yours when you use fire, he can shoot at someone. He mostly uses it to maze someone. When you get an electric shook you get stunned for a few second. I'm pretty sure that he never used that on you." That was something new. Jeno saw Jaemin's hands light up but never knew what happened. Also Renjun was right, the younger never used that power against him. 

"The last one is something that even the organization doesn't know about. It is said to be a myth and an ancient power that was never documented." With such explanation Jeno could only think about one ability. Something that he heard about from higher ups from the organization. This power gave you super big advantage against your enemy. 

 "Jaem can read minds."

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