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Jeno and Hyuck both gasped. He never expected Jaemin to have such power. Renjun gave him some time to collect himself before he continued. 

"He probably used that to know about what the people from organization planned and thanks to it, you both are alive." 

Reading minds was such a foreign concept that Jeno couldn't even imagine it. How it worked, how Jaemin mastered it? He had nothing to learn from because everyone thought that it was just a myth. Jeno had problem with his powers even though there were books and people who wrote about them. Getting to know that you need to learn how everything works by yourself must have been really scary. 

After their conversation everyone went back to doing whatever they wanted. Jisung and Chenle were playing games, Mark was checking some documents, Hyuck was sleeping and Renjun went to the pilot. Seeing that everyone was busy Jeno decided to go see Jaemin. 

Guilt was eating him up but at the same time he was embarrassed to go there. After all it was his fault that Jaemin was hurt. If only he listened to the other boy earlier. 

Jeno went to the cabin where the younger was and pulled the curtain away. That was the only thing separating him from the rest of the plane. After he walked in he pulled the material back up and sat on a bench that was right next to the bed. 

He stared at Jaemin who was still unconscious and at all his scars. Thanks to the light he could see everything clearly and it looked bad. He had a big bruise under one of his eyes and a few cuts on his both cheeks. Jeno could see another bruise starting on his collarbone but because Jaemin was under the blanket he wasn't able to see how bad it was. 

Renjun did a really good job with taking care of everything. There was ointment, water and some pills prepared for when the younger will wake up. They still had more than 5 hours to land and Jeno hoped that the other boy will wake up. 

As if it was magic working, the moment Jeno thought about it Jaemin started to stir and his eyes were shaking. The older was too stunned to move, so he just starred at the other boy. 

Jaemin moved a little bit and slowly his eyes opened. He looked around without moving his head and spotted Jeno sitting there. The younger boy tried to get up and with Jeno help he was able to let his back rest against the back of the seat. 

None of them said a word and they stayed silent for a few minutes looking at each other. Jeno was the first one to stop looking at the other boy. Why were they staring and why was he blushing? 

"Are we on the plane already?" Jaemin asked. He put both of his hands on his head and closed his eyes. Jeno got the pills and water that was on the table and gave it to the other. 

"Yeah, we're more than halfway thru. We'll be landing in about 5 hours." 

Jaemin nodded and swallowed the pills. He let his head stay on a headrest and opened his eyes again to stare at the older boy. "So it wasn't just a dream? You really joined us Lee. Congratulation for finally choosing right. It's my pleasure." He smiled playfully and put out his hand for Jeno to shake. 

The older took Jaemin's hand in his and didn't let go for a few seconds. They were staring. Again. 

"I asked Renjun about your powers. I hope that it's okay?" Jeno said looking at the other boy. 

Jaemin hummed and started playing with his fingers. "You'd get to know no matter what as we're in the same team now. But I'm surprised that Junnie told you, he's not your biggest fan." Jeno chuckled at that which made Jaemin smile. 

"Yeah I could guess already. He wasn't hiding with that." They both smiled and silence took over them. Jaemin was probably thinking about what happened when Jeno was thinking about Jaemin.

 Since the time that Renjun told him about the younger boy supposed crush Jeno couldn't forget about it. He knew that Jaemin treated him differently than the rest of the people from organization. It wasn't a secret to him but when he looks back, at his past actions he was doing the same. 

Jeno never wanted to hurt the other boy. Also the fact that he didn't want to be the one to capture Jaemin and bring him to the organization said a lot. 

 And now here he was, sitting in front of the younger, being part of his team. They'll spend the next years together and Jeno didn't hate that idea, not at all. He was really happy when he thought about it. They could train together, they could try make their powers work together, they could get to know each other, they could go on a date... 

Jaemin chuckling was like a bucket of cold water for him. The younger boy could read minds, he knew what Jeno was thinking. And Jeno was thinking about- oh my God, Jeno was thinking about them going on a date... 

"Please forget that you know about it." Jeno pleaded looking at Jaemin. The other boy turned to him confused. 

"Forget what?" Jaemin asked looking ever more confused at Jeno's embarrassed expression. 

"Whatever you could hear right now, I never thought about it." 

 "Thought about what? Lee I can't read your mind." It was time for Jeno to be confused. 

"But it's your power, you can read minds-" 

"Oh my God, these dummies didn't tell you everything." Jaemin rolled his eyes and tried to sit more comfortably to turn fully to look at Jeno. "I can only read minds of people who I have none or bad connection with. I can't use it on my friends because my feeling are blocking it. What did you thought about Lee? Why do you look so panicked?" 

"It was nothing! Nothing important!" Jeno let go of a breath and Jaemin laughed at him. His laugh was pretty. Lee Jeno! You're forgetting about the important things! "But you chuckled at me. Why did you do that if you can't read my mind?" 

"I chuckled because you looked really spaced out. It seems like you were thinking about something that includes me." Jaemin was teasing him, Jeno knew that he was but his cheeks still blushed slightly. The younger seemed to catch on that and smirked. "Actually, I couldn't ready your mind since our second meeting Jeno." 

The confession and the usage of his name, which Jaemin did only once before, worked amazingly on him. Now not only Jeno cheeks but also his ears were red, flaming red and he had no idea what to say. Should he even answer it? 

The silence seemed to make Jaemin got to a total opposite conclusion as he suddenly become serious. His smirk disappeared and his eyes lost the mischiefview look. 

"You know if the things that I say or do make you uncomfortable just say it and I'll stop. I don't want to make you feel bad. I'm serious, you don't need to stay here with me out of pity or because you feel responsible for what happened. That was all my own choice and-" 

Jaemin words were swallowed by Jeno who put his lips on the other. 

What was even happening. Why did he suddenly stood up and did it? Jeno was someone who always first did something and later on thought of it but that was the dumbest thing he did so far. It wasn't even a kiss, he just pecked the other lips and moved away quickly. 

Jeno did it because he didn't want Jaemin to misunderstand him. He didn't want the other to think that he was uncomfortable because it was really far away from the truth. 

 Jaemin was stunned, he didn't move just looked at Jeno. It was so fast that he doesn't even know how it happened. 

 "I'm not uncomfortable." 

 And like this Jeno left. He left the cabin and walked back to the rest of the boys. He told them that Jaemin woke up which made Renjun run to the younger boy. Jeno left, too embarrassed of his actions and wasn't able to see a smile that bloomed on the other man face.

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