Fourteen + Trailer/summary

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Olivia's P.O.V.

"Missed me?" I say as I make my entrance through the emergency exit as I had just been in a massive train wreck.

The emergency room is packed as there were 300 passengers on that train.

"Olivia, you are not in a state to walk," George says as he is the first one to spot me as the others are dealing with other surgeons and patients.

"Head of critical care surgery. There is no way I am missing this." I explain to him before he chuckles.

"What injuries do you have?" George asks me to make sure I will not die as I work on other patients after he sees my clothes all bloody.

Yes, I was injured but I still went and helped people on the scene as much as I could. After all, it is my job. A lot and I mean a lot of dead bodies. It was a horrible crash and everything flying everywhere. Thank god, nothing went towards me or nor did I went towards anything dangerous.

"Soft tissue damaged as I got a sprained wrist, second burn degree on my leg, and a mild concussion. I am all clear to work, I already assisted to my injuries in am ambulance." I tell him before I show him the bandage on my left wrist and my right left for the burn.

"You have to rest for a mild concussion," George says trying to have my back.

"Going to report me to Dr. Webber? I thought so. Now come on, you will be assisting me." I say before I see a smile on my face that I choose him.

I realized that Derek nor Preston ask or tell George to scrub into their surgeries so I like asking George so he can get a fair chance.

"Now, go get me my scrubs and coat, please. I will page you in which room I go to." I tell him before he nods and goes to do what I just told him to do.

As soon as he leaves, a male and a female, attached to a pole, are pushed in front of me. Now, this is why I am a surgeon. They are rolled into trauma room one in which I go attend too and I see Preston Burke and Miranda Bailey follow behind me. The nurses quickly plug everything up to the two people attached by the pole to get their vitals and hydrate them.

"Good to have you back." I hear Dr. Bailey speak up as she is behind me before I page George to let him know what room I am located in.

"Good to be back," I say before we stop right outside of the room and the EMT person comes out to give us an update.

"His B.P.'s holding steady at 90 over palp. She's had two hypotensive episodes to the lows 70s." The EMT speaks up a bit confused on who to talk to as I have my civilian clothes on but then she recognized who I am.

"You couldn't get a saw in there?" Dr. Burke asks before the ETM woman shakes her dead.

"Not without moving them." She responds.

This case will be tricky as if we move them we could be causing more damage to their organs.

"Any experience with this before Dr. Ortega?" Dr. Burke asks before I shake my head.

"Never seen anything like this in my whole career. This is a very tricky case, moving them even ¼ of an inch could dramatically change the whole case from two patients to one or maybe even known. We must take our time to review each organ and outcome but not too much for them to get an infection. C-T is the best possible test." I say responding to them.

"We would not be able to fit them in. We will be flying blind. Dr. Bailey, get X-rays and labs and page us the minute you are done." Dr. Burke says before I shake my head.

"No need to page me, I will stay by their side the whole time to see if something comes to mind," I say correcting him.

"Excuse me."  We hear a female voice say from inside the room, must be the female patient.

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