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Olivia's P.O.V.

"Morning, sunshine," Alex says as walks in to do his pre-rounds.

"No need to do your pre-rounds, I am reading my own charts," I tell him before he chuckles.

"You need to learn to take a break," Alex says before I shake my head.

"And you need to learn to not be an ass."

"Alex, leave." I hear my brother say after he enters my room.

Alex and I really do not get time for ourselves like just us two together without people interrupting.

"Nice talking to you, I guess," I tell Alex before he shakes his head.

"I'll see you around," Alex says before he walks over to me and kisses my forehead before leaving the room.

"Horrible choice going back to him," Derek speaks after a couple of seconds of silence before I give him a death stare.

"You know what? You have no reason to judge as you are back with Addison." I tell him before he shakes his head.

"Addison and I are married. You and Alex are both uncommitted." He says before I nod.

"Fine but at least I do not hurt the people I love

"She is broken," I tell my brother as he is visiting me in my hospital room before he heads in for work.

"Olivia, please do not make this harder than it is," Derek tells me before I shake my head.

"Isn't my sister's role to hold you accountable? No, I am playing but she is broken. Now, am I good to be released and head back to work?" I ask my brother as I just want to be discharged and head back to work.

"I am not discharging you." He says before I look at him shaking.

"Fine, I will discharge myself then."

"You can't do that."

"I basically own this floor as head of critical care surgery and traumas, try me."

"No, you have to rest. What if you lied again and will faint? We will not risk that into we know everything is good and I mean everything."

"Fine. Head to work then, I will wait until Dr. Bailey checks me out." I say obviously lying before he nods and gets up.

"I'll either bring you lunch or get something to not bring you hospital food," Derek says before I nod and he leaves the room.

Does he really think I will stay in my hospital bed all day? Derek knows me better than that.

As soon as he leaves, I wait a couple of minutes to make sure he is gone before I get off my bed and hook myself off the machines but still have the IV with me.

To the halls and see if I can help out in any way. I make my way around the halls as people stare at me confused but what can you do.

"Hey, Olivia." I hear Alex say.

I look to the hall beside me and I see him walking down a girl in a wheelchair. Maybe a teenager? For sure his patient.

"Hi," I say as I make my way towards him.

"About earlier today-" Alex starts to speak before I interrupt him.

"It is fine, do not worry about it," I say interrupting before he nods.

Alex has just been showing me a lot of affection lately and as much as I like it, I am also his boss so I have to be careful about what I do inside of the hospital.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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