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Olivia's P.O.V.

"I heard I was paged," I say after I reached the nurse station by the trauma station.

"Yes, room 108." One of the nurses tells me before I nod.

I made my way into room 108 to find one of my worst nightmares.

"Grant, what are you doing here?" I ask him as I see my ex laying down on the bed.

"I had a bit of an accident," Grant says answering my question as I try my hardest to not roll my eyes as he is currently my patient.

I grab the chart from the end of the bed before I look at the door frame.

"You like to stand indoor frames." I heard Grant speak as Alex and I made eye contact.

"Grant, this is Dr.Karev and he will be the doctor in charge of running your tests," I explain to Grant as Alex walks and stands beside me before I hand him Grant's chart.

"I am good at running this by myself. You do not need to be here if you do not want to." Alex whispers in my ear before I shake my head.

"Dr. Karev, what do you think we should do?" I ask Alex as he finishes reading Grant's chart.

"Stitches and send him home," Alex says, answering my question before I nod.

"Sounds about right."

"Ahh he is your intern, that is just sad," Grant says before Alex and I made eye contact.

"Just shut up." Alex basically yells at Grant as I have to be honest I do not think it can get better than this.

"Interns should not be yelling at their patients," Grant responds to Alex yelling at him before I roll my eyes at him.

"You do not call him an intern, you call him Dr. Karev. Either you call him by his professional name or I will get your favorite nurse to do your stitches. I am sure you would love that." I firmly tell Grant before he nods at me.

"Dr. Karev, come," I say as I grab the chart from Alex's hand and put it on Grant's bed before I lead Alex outside of Grant's room.

I lead Alex towards the on-call room as I am frankly quite turn on right now. As soon as we walk into the on-call room, I lock the door behind me and turn my attention to Alex.

I rapidly push Alex against the wall before laying my lips on him. God, I know I should not be doing this but I just can not control myself not around Alex.

Our lips moved in sync as my hands moved to his neck while his moved to my waist.

"Are you sure?" Alex asks me after he pulls in from the kiss.

"Yes." I quickly answer before crashing my lips back on his.

How is he should a good kisser? I mean I know he has had a lot of practice but still.

My hands moved from his neck to the seem of his scrub shirt before pulling it up so he knows to take it off.

One thing led to another...  

I get up from the bed before gathering my underwear and scrubs. I quickly put it on before facing Alex and then my papers on the floor.

"I need to go," I say before looking at Alex again.

"Go run Grant's tests," I tell Alex as I gather my things before I leave the in-call room as nothing happened.

I made my way to Dr. Webber's office since he was the one that paged me.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I ask Dr. Webber as I enter his office.

"Yes, I have received very exciting news for not only you but for our hospital." He says, answering my question before I look at him confused.

"Go on."

"You are one of the nominees for the Harper Avery Award." Dr. Webber says before my smiles grow so big I could be the next joker.

The Harper Avery Award is given to one of the best surgeons to exist. It is meant to make the best surgeons as only the best of the best are nominated. Even a nomination is a big deal not only for the nominee but for their hospital as it gives them points which then are calculated for the rankings of the hospitals.

"That is amazing," I tell him before he nods.

"That is something to be proud of. Continue this way and you could even get chief." Dr. Webber tells me before I shake my head.

"Thank you so much. I also wanted to add in that I do not want to run for Chief as I am happy where I currently reside and I am not much of an organizer."

"That is fine." Dr. Webber tells me before I am paged once again.

"If you excuse me, I have to get to the OR," I say after I check my pager.

"Good luck with the award." Dr. Webber says as I am leaving his office.

I can not wait to go tell my brother about this.

I head to the OR to scrub in where Izzy and George are supposed to be scrubbing in for my surgery. 

"Good afternoon, are you guys ready for surgery?" I ask them as I enter the surgery to see them before they nod.

"I assume you heard about the party?" Izzy asks me before I nod as I get ready to scrub in.

"I can not wait to meet your boyfriend, Izzy. Now, let's do great in this surgery so we can get off early!"  I say as I begin to scrub in.


"Are you going to the party later?" Derek asks me as we are having a couple of drinks at Joe's.

"Well, I reside there so I would assume so," I say answering his question as he takes a sip from his IPA.

Derek has always been an IPA guy. I remember being young and he used to sneak my alcohol into the house as he is seven years older than me. He is 38 and I am 31. I have four more siblings but they never had the big impact like Derek did in my life. After my dad died, Derek was basically my dad figure. I am grateful for it but sometimes I feel bad that he took that bit of responsibility at such an early age. That is why I was so thankful when he accepted the opportunity to work at Seattle Grace.

"I have not told anyone because I wanted you to be the first one to know that I was nominated for the Harper Avery Award," I tell my brother before he gets excited.

"That is amazing. You know how proud mom would be of you! We have to celebrate right now. Joe gives us another round." Derek says extremely excited as I smile at him.

I am glad he is proud. He is the closest family I have and I would not trade him for the world. If only I could tell him what happened in the on-call room today.

"I can not get too drunk tonight. Not sure if making an appearance at the party is appropriate." I tell him before he looks at me confused.

"I know," I whispered to him talking about him and Meredith before he chuckled.

"I do not make it that obvious," Derek says, trying to defend himself.

"Not sure about that part," I tell him as Joe's brings us another round of drinks.

"We have a good pool of interns this year. I mean Miranda's batch is good." I add to the conversation before he nods.

"They are pretty smart," Derek says as I take another sip from my drink.

"And a pain in the ass sometimes too," I tell Derek before he chuckles.

"I heard Dr. Karev has begun to behave."

"Surprisingly," I tell him before his eyes focus on me.

"I am not going to make assumptions," Derek says as I roll my eyes on him.

"I am pretty sure you still are. Come on drink fast so I do not miss the party. I guess you can come." 

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