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Olivia's P.O.V.

"George and Izzy saw Derek walking downstairs," I tell Meredith as we are both walking to her pre-rounds.

"So that is why they are acting weird," Meredith says responding to what I just told her.

"How did you know before?" Meredith asks me puzzled that I already knew before the other before I chuckle.

"He is my brother after all," I say before I walk away from her so she can do her pre-rounds.

"Good morning, Dr. Ortega," Alex says as he walks out of a room that he just did one of his pre-rounds.

"Good morning, Dr. Karev," I repeated back to him pretending as if I did not stay the night at his house yesterday and left this morning extra early so it looked like I was sleeping in my room.

I know it is bad and I could get judged extra hard for this especially since I am a Harper Avery award nominee now but I just can not stop myself.

"By the way, you're with Dr. Bailey today," I tell him as I get to have George with me today since I have to be rotating them now since Alex has started to act like an intern.

I walk past Alex and make my way to room 528 where I am meeting George and my patient that we will be dealing up.

Once I reach room 538, George is outside waiting for me to go inside.

"Good morning, Rebecca," I say to the patient as I walk first into the room and George follows

"Rebecca, I am Dr. Ortega and this is Dr. O'Malleys. He is going to run some x-rays to know where the earring is in your body. Depending on where it is located we are going to either have surgery to remove it or surveillance it carefully so your organs are not punctuated." I say to Rebecca as George grabs her chart from her bed.

"Thank you," Rebecca responds before I nod.

"Dr. O'Malley go run the x-rays, page me when the x-rays are finished," I tell George before I smile at Rebecca and leave her room to go attend to my other patients.

Thankfully for the green urine test, it was only high levels of carbon dioxide in his blood caused by the propofol he took. The woman who had alcohol in her system has auto-brewery syndrome which means that fermentation was taking place in her bladder.

I made my way down to the OR where Derek is operating someone and Meredith is assisting. I assume Christina is Preston as she is interested in heart surgery.

My pager rings so I look down to see who is paging me. Of course, to the on-call room to meet Alex. I made my way to the on-call room before walking inside. I really turned into my brother. 

"Missed me?" I heard Alex say as he closed the door behind me and then put his hand on my waist.

"Not sure, you are the one that paged me," I say sarcastically before he slowly pushes me against the wall.

"Mhmm maybe rethink that," Alex says after he plants his lips on mine.

"Whatever," I tell him before I grab his neck and pull him in for a kiss.

Our lips moved in sync as his hand moved from my waist up to my breast as I kept him close with my grip on his neck. It soon got headed as he moved his hands down once again but this time it was to take off my shirt and then he went to take his off.

"You got the condom?" I asked him between kisses before he nods taking it out of his pocket.

"I heard you we-" I hear a very familiar voice say before they stop talking as I quickly push Alex off me.

"Derek, what are you doing here?" I ask him fully traumatized as I try to reach for my shirt.

"My eyes are closed. Let me know when you are not naked. I need a critical care surgeon in the OR." Derek says as I find my scrub shirt and put it on. 

"I'll be there in five to scrub in," I tell Derek before he nods, turns around, and leaves.

"That is one for the books," Alex speaks up right after Derek leaves.

"This stays here. I will talk to Derek and nothing will get out." I tell Alex as I gather my things in the on-call room.

"Are you that embarrassed by me?" Alex asks me offended by what I just told him.

"Alex, my career and reputation are on the line. I'm not a male surgeon, I do not get a pass as most of them. Also, why did you not lock the door? It is like you want us to be seen." I tell him to explain why we have to be careful before I walk out of the on-room. 

"Really from anybody, Alex?" Derek asks me as he follows next to me as we both head to the OR.

"You don't know him as I do," I say defending Alex before he nods.

"As long as he treats you better than Grant then he has my blessing." 

"This stays between us. Nobody else knows." 


"Good to see you," Alex whispers in my ear as he puts his hand on my waist.

"Not in public," I whisper back to him as I grab his hands and get them away from my waist.

"Boho," Alex says before he leaves and is no longer behind me but he sits down next to me.

"I am surprised you are not out drinking with Meredith, Christina, or Izzy," Alex mentions as Joe brings him the usual beer he drinks.

"I am supposed to meet Derek and Preston for drinks but they are taking their time as usual and they say females take more time," I tell Alex before he nods and looks at me before we exchange smiles.

He is just adored. His short brown hair fits so perfectly with his brown eyes. Do not get me started with his smirk whenever he thinks he is right. Yes, he can be a big ass but once he lets down his walls for you. You can see the real him, how kind he really is and how he always has my back.

"Drinking your long island iced tea as usual?" Alex asks me before I nod.

"I am very predictable," I respond to him before he chuckles.

"Are you okay? I heard about what happened today." Alex asks me to turn more serious which is unusual for Alex as he is never serious.

As a surgeon, your job is to help people and let them live. If I am unable to help someone, it just ruins your day especially when you lose them. It just does not help at all. It has always been hard for me to lose a patient as it reminds me of my dad. I could have saved him but I did not, I was unable to do it as I just froze. I can not un-do that day and I will live with that for the rest of my life and sadly it still impacts me when I lose my patients.

"It sucks, I lost two patients today but what else can I do? Just sit here and drink." I tell Alex as I'm extremely sad as it has been a hard day.

"Let us finish our drinks and I can drive you home and we can lay down and watch a movie. Is that okay with you?" Alex asks me before I shake my head.

"Derek is supposed to come to Joe's."

"I'll text him that I drove you home. He will prefer that so he knows you are safe." Alex speaks after a couple of seconds of silence before I nod.

"Fine but one more drink after this one."

"Good with me," I say before Alex grabs his glass and taps mine to do a little cheer.

"See that's the smile I like to see," Alex says after I smile when he does the little cheers.

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