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Olivia's P.O.V.

"Morning," Alex whispers after he softly kisses me on my lips.

"Morning," I whisper back to him as we both exchange smiles.

"Any headaches from last night?" Alex asks me as he hands me a cup of water from the nightstand.

"I did not even drink that much," I tell him before he chuckles.

"I think you cried more than you actually drank. Might have dehydration." Alex tells me before I smile at him and drink from the cup of water he handed me.

How is he so caring behind the scenes? Like he is such an asshole at the hospital but when it is just us two, he is everything you could ask for.

"Here," I say after I drank from the water and hand him the cup for him to put back into the nightstand.

"I should get going before they get up," Alex says after he pulls away from me.

"In forty minutes they will all be in the kitchen, so we got thirty free minutes. What could we possibly do?" I tell Alex before he has a smirk on his face and he leans back down to reconnect our lips.

"What could we possibly do?" Alex says between kisses before I giggle.

I am so glad I kissed him. I mean I like being with him. I think I like him.

Our lips moved in sync as he puts his hands on my waists and starts to tickle me.

"Alex, I swear to god!" I say loud enough for him to hear but not for the other people in the house to hear.

"What?" He says as he continues to tickle me as I try to kick him so he can get off me.

"If you do not stop, you will not scrub in," I tell him before he chuckles.

"I see you using your power over me. Hot." Alex says as he stops and then leans in to kiss one once again.

"You know what would be hotter? A bubble bath." I comment after he pulls away from our kiss.

"We do have to shower before work." 

"Race you?" I ask him before he pushes me down on the bed and runs to the bathroom before I am able to get up and run after him.

"Not fair," I tell him as we both know he had an advantage before he wraps his hand around my waist and starts kissing my neck.

"Twenty-five more minutes. You think we can cut it?" I ask Alex before he chuckles and turns me around before crashing his lips onto mine.


"I'll see you at work," I tell Alex as I get out of the shower and he follows behind me.

"I got precisely five more minutes before everyone is in the kitchen," Alex says as he wraps his hands around my waist while I get my toothbrush and toothpaste to brush my teeth.

"Want to do me a favor? Pick out a shirt and some jeans." I say as he is kissing my neck.

I brush my teeth before taking off Alex's hand and moving back to the bedroom. I went to my closet and picked a pair of jeans and a shirt so I could get dressed.

"Five minutes are done," I tell Alex after I put on my clothes and he is just standing there looking at me.

"I'll see you at work," Alex says intimidating me from earlier.

"I'll see you in less than an hour," I say as I walk to him and kiss his lips.

"Don't miss me too much," I say before he chuckles and I walk out of my room and head to the kitchen.

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