"She's single, but trust me, I wouldn't waste my time on that. I'll tell you later." Barry said.

"Okay." Eddie said.

"So, anything else you can tell me?" Eddie asked.

"Only that you and Joe were not the only cops I revealed my identity too." Barry said.

"Really, who else?" Eddie asked.

"Singh, though technically, he figured it out himself, but he kept my secret and supports me being the Flash." Barry said.

"Maybe you should bring him into the fold too. Having the CCPD captain actually know your identity could be a good thing." Eddie suggested.

"My thoughts exactly. But anyways, why don't you come to Star Labs after your shift ends and I'll introduce you to the rest of the team that joined after you died." Barry said and Eddie nodded.

Iris was currently working in her new office for Danvers Daily News, she was very happy that she was working for Kara, since she'd promised to be very hands off, the whole arrangement would be that Kara would really just be the one paying Iris's salary, which would be similar to what she made when she was running the Central City Citizen. Anyways, she was currently working on an article regarding the dropping crime rate in Central City since the battle between the Flash and the Reverse Flash when there was a knock on her door.

"Come in." Iris said as the door opened and she smiled at who she saw waiting as she reached into her desk and pulled out the additional memory ring Cisco had made.

"Ms. West, my name is Kamila Hwang, I was here to interview for a photography position here." Kamila said.

"Come on in. I trust you've brought some sample material?" Iris asked, since even though she was planning on hiring Kamila on the spot, until she was able to restore her memories, she had to make it seem like a real interview.

"Yes I did." Kamila said as she handed Iris a folder containing some of her sample material.

"This is very impressive." Iris said.

"Really." Kamila said eagerly.

"Yeah, I think you definitely have a future here." Iris said.

"So, you're hiring me?" Kamila asked, surprised since this wasn't even an interview.

"More like rehiring you. You'll understand in a second." Iris said as before Kamila could ask, Iris reached over her desk and tapped her arm with the memory ring.

"Was that really necessary, Iris?" Kamila asked as she recovered from the headache that getting her memories back brought.

"Sorry, it's temporary, but a necessary part of being reminded who you are." Iris said.

"And who I love." Kamila said and Iris smiled.

"And Cisco now owes me big for saving him the trouble of having to track you down and restore your memories himself. Though at least he'd be able to vibe you now." Iris said.

"So he has his powers back." Kamila said and Iris nodded.

"Yeah and I hope you don't mind, but I don't think he's planning on giving them up again." Iris said.

"Honestly, I was kind of disappointed when he did. I told him that as long as being Vibe is what makes him happy, I have no problem with it and honestly, I could tell that he wasn't as happy since he gave up his powers." Kamila said.

"Yeah, you're not the only one. The only good thing about living in a post crisis world is that it hit the reset button on a lot of things, including him losing his powers, since Team Flash needs Vibe." Iris said.

"I'll definitely make sure he remembers that, since I'm glad that he doesn't want to give up his powers again. Vibe was always too much of a good hero to throw in the towel and honestly, considering the fact that he still chose to work at Star Labs and be a member of Team Flash even after he gave up his powers, makes me think that Cisco was never truly meant for a normal life." Kamila said.

"On that we agree. I think we can also agree that normal lives are way more boring than the ones we live now." Iris said.

"Totally. Also, what's the deal with you working for someone else, even if they are Kara Danvers?" Kamila asked.

"Kara's an old friend, plus, really it's just her name on the office to help us get more readers." Iris said.

"How do you know her?" Kamila asked.

"She's a good friend of Barry's." Iris said and Kamila quickly put the pieces together.

"Kara Danvers is Supergirl." Kamila said.

"She is and I hope she doesn't kill me for revealing her identity without her permission." Iris said.

"She wouldn't do that and besides, I figured it out myself." Kamila said.

"Only after I put the pieces together for you." Iris reminded her.

"Still." Kamila said.

"Yeah, I hope she sees it that way. But anyways, you start tomorrow. For now, why don't you go find that boyfriend of yours at Star Labs and tell him that he owes me one and I already know how he's going to pay me back." Iris said.

"How?" Kamila asked.

"I'll tell you if he agrees to it." Iris said.

"I'll let him know." Kamila said as she smiled before walking out of Iris's office as the woman looked at her framed war medals, remembering the woman she'd been while she was enlisted and she wanted to be that woman again. Just in a different way.

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