Chapter 5

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Caitlin was surprised when she arrived at Star labs the next morning to find Cisco sleeping on his desk in his workshop.

"Cisco, wake up." Caitlin said as she attempted to shake him awake, but when that didn't work, she rolled her eyes at having to use the trick that never failed to bring Cisco back to the present.

"Han shot second." Caitlin whispered into Cisco's ear and as expected, that caused him to shoot upwards.

"That doesn't even make any sense." Cisco snapped before realizing what was going on.

"Seriously?" Cisco asked.

"Never fails. Now, did you sleep here?" Caitlin asked.

"More like I was pulling an all nighter that turned into an impromptu sleepover." Cisco said as he yawned and stretched.

"Okay and is there a reason you were working instead of sleeping last night?" Caitlin asked.

"I tried to fall asleep last night, but it wasn't easy considering I'm used to having someone there next to me." Cisco said.

"You miss Kamila don't you?" Caitlin said.

"So much that I've actually retasked the Star Labs satellite to search for her." Cisco said.

"Seriously, don't you think that's kind of stalkerish, even if you find her, she's not going to remember you, since I don't think J'onn will want to have to come out here every time we want to restore someone else's memories." Caitlin said.

"Guess it's a good thing I'm here then." a new voice said and they both jumped to find Sara standing there.

"Jesus, are you trying to give us heart attacks, you're lucky Frost didn't ice blast you." Cisco said.

"He's not kidding. She doesn't like being scared like that." Caitlin said.

"Sorry, it's an assassin thing, kind of hard to shake, plus, I don't want Thawne to know I'm here." Sara said.

"Fair point. What are you doing here Sara and why aren't you tormenting Barry?" Cisco asked.

"Well for starters, I'm here for family reasons." Sara said.

"Meaning?" Caitlin asked.

"I'm visiting my mom, since she couldn't be bothered to come by Star City before I got recruited by the Legends and I'm also dropping Wally off, since J'onn was with the team temporarily to restore their memories and he restored Wally's too. Also, I'm here for my suit." Sara said and Cisco chuckled.

"I figured, which is why I've already finished it." Cisco said as he walked over to his safe and pulled out a case and handed it to Sara.

"You made this already?" Sara asked.

"Last night was a very busy night since while I can make suits for Team Flash without drawing too much suspicion, making suits for you and Team Arrow is another story." Cisco said and Sara nodded.

"I also come bearing a gift from 2086." Sara said as she reached into her pocket and handed Cisco a ring.

"A ring?" Cisco asked.

"This is the completed version of your martian memory restoration technology, which I snagged from the Flash Museum of then. Still can't believe that Barry gets his own museum. Seems kind of unfair." Sara said and Cisco rolled his eyes as he took it.

"Are you sure it won't mess with the timeline if you give me this?" Cisco asked.

"Don't worry, it won't." Sara assured him.

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