Chapter 1

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This is a rewrite of Brave New World: Flash. I promise that this will not become a common thing, but I felt like I was moving a bit too quickly in the original version of the story, plus I had a new idea I wanted to use for this story. Warning, there will be at least one major deviation from both the canon and my other stories. I hope you guys like it.

The last thing Barry remembered before he blacked out was being back at the dawn of time, kneeling down next to Sara over the dying form of Oliver Queen. He wasn't sure how long he had wept for the loss of his brother in all but blood, but he guessed that it had been long enough for him to pass out.

However, what really got his attention was the music he heard surrounding and even though his eyes were closed, Barry couldn't resist the urge to roll them.

"Seriously Cisco, isn't there any other song you can play for me to wake up to?" Barry asked as he opened his eyes, only for some reason to feel the same way he had when he'd first woken up from his coma 6 years ago as he shot upwards and gasped heavily, only this time, he felt the speed force crackle in his eyes as he felt it re enter his system, almost as if he'd lost his connection to the speed force and gotten it back.

"What the hell?" Barry asked as he looked around to find himself back in the medbay in Star Labs, which didn't surprise him. What did surprise him was the way it was set up, since he swore it looked exactly like it did when he woke up from his coma.

"Whoa, he's awake. See Cait, I told you it would work." Cisco said as he and Caitlin entered the medbay and Barry sighed in relief at the sight of them, since he figured that they could tell him what was going on.

"Of course it did Cisco, you know Gaga is my wake up song." Barry said.

"How did he know my name?" Cisco asked Caitlin.

"It's possible that he could've still been listening to us and learned our names and voices while he was in the coma." Caitlin said, surprising Barry, since he wasn't sure why Cisco and Caitlin were acting like they didn't know him.

"Still doesn't explain why he was acting like I should know him. I only picked gaga because his facebook page said that it was his favorite." Cisco said and Caitlin shrugged, leaving Barry even more confused. However, he was pulled from his confusion by who he saw joining them in the medbay.

"Well, well, the sleeper awakens." Eobard Thawne, once again disguised as a wheelchair bound Harrison Wells, said as he used his motorized wheelchair to wheel into the lab.

"What did you do?" Barry asked.

"I saved your life Mr. Allen." Thawne said, confusing Barry even more.

"What the hell is going on here?" Barry asked.

"It makes sense that he's disoriented." Caitlin said.

"What day is today?" Barry asked, since he was beginning to think that maybe he'd somehow time traveled again, though he didn't know how.

"October 12 2012." Cisco said.

"The day everything changed." Barry said, though this time under his breath.

"What was that?" Cailin asked.

"Nothing. What happened. The last thing I remember is that it was January 2012." Barry said, deciding to play along until he could figure out what was going on here.

"Mr. Allen, you've been in a coma for the past 9 months." Thawne said.

"How?" Barry asked, even though he already knew the answer to that.

"You got struck by lightning dude." Cisco said.

"Blunt as ever Cisco." Caitlin said.

"What, there's no delicate way to that." Cisco said.

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