A Different Type of Loyalty

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I hadn't noticed Bucky wasn't at the meeting about the Eidolons. When I woke up I realized after a few minutes. I knew he would be here for Steve and I.

"Steve?" I asked. Steve hummed. "Where's Bucky?"

"Mission." Steve answered. "Left this morning. You only just noticed?"

"Yeah... I was kind of distracted." I thought back on the events of the past week or so. I sat up so suddenly Steve fell of the couch.

"Nico what the heck?" He asked, pulling himself up.

"That little..." I cut myself of a sprinted for me and Will's room. "Will!" I exclaimed as I burst through the door, scarring my boyfriend. He threw the book he was reading at me. I ducked.

"Nico! I could have hurt you!" He exclaimed.

"Did you mean to propose to me?!" I ignored his comment, moving to where he was sitting. Will smirked slightly.

"You mean when I threw the apple at you?" He asked.

"Yes!" Will's smirk turned into a grin.

"Maybe..." he sprinted from the room.

"Will!" I shouted, racing after him. "Get back here!" I caught him at the living room, tackling him to the floor. "Did you mean it?"

"Mhm." He hummed.

"Fucking ass." I muttered, leaning down from how I was sitting on him and kissing him.

"So it's a yes?" Will asked when we broke apart.

"I caught the apple. Of course it's a yes." I snorted. I got off of Will and helped him up.

"We should ask Piper and Annabeth to plan it." Will said. I nodded. They would do the best job. I headed back to my spot on the couch. Will collapsed beside me.

"Do we have to go to school tomorrow?" I asked. Steve looked up from the book he had found.

"Yes. You do." I glared at the super soldier.

"I was possessed by an eidolon. Out cold over night. And I still have to go to school tomorrow."

"Yep." Will said. Steve nodded. I groaned and fell across my boyfriend's- no fiancé's- lap dramatically.

"You're going to kill me." I said.


The next day I did end up going to school. Despite me repeatedly asking Tony to allow me to stay home. I even considered playing sick but Will said he'd drag me to school by my foot if I did.

Anyways, the first three classes went smoothly. Flash didn't bug me of the others at all. Percy joined the swim team. I thought that was a bit like cheating, with him being the son of Poseidon and all. Then lunch came.

~Authors Note~

Hey everyone! Sorry for two things:
1. I haven't posted in a LONG time
2. These past few chapters have been so short!

I have been writing an actually book myself and been focusing on school. Overall I've been pretty busy. Anyways! I should hopefully be back to writing this more often (as long as I don't get writers block) so stay tuned for what happens at lunch...

Word count: 431

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