"Speaking about drama, I heard Alex and Izzy are currently on a date," Christina says as I stop in my tracks.

"They are what?" I am surprised that even Izzy would say yes knowing what is happening between Alex and me or that even Alex will try and get with Izzy.

I mean the audacity that Alex has to go ask out Izzy. It bothers me because it is just not Izzy but my roommate and a person I see on a daily. But it is not only on Alex, but the fact also that Izzy accepted knowing what is doing between Alex and me.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I have surgeries and patients I have to attend here instead of having to worry who else Alex is hooking up with. I mean seriously why does he keep saying he wants me and then sleeps with someone else." I say obviously pissed before I continue my walk as it is 2 am and I need rest before I have to go back to the hospital tomorrow morning.

"If only I were allowed to leave his hospital, I would go fight him or I can George to punch him again."

"It's fine, violence never solved anything. I'm going to let you go as I arrived at Mark's place.

"Call me later and tell me everything about the surgeries step by step."

"Will do, have a good recovery," I say before I hang up the phone.

I walk into the lobby and head for the elevators. If Mark did not live on the forty floors, I would have taken the stairs but I didn't really have a choice.

Mark is in apartment 402. Well, there are only 2 apartments on this floor and he is one of them so it was not hard finding it.

"Make yourself at home, it is what Derek would have wanted after all," Mark says as I close the door behind me.

Wow. I love his apartment or what I can see are the living room and kitchen. Both are modern yet simple. You can tell a man lives here as it has small male details like sports awards or just a dark-over tone.

"Your room is in that hall to the left and it has its own bathroom," Mark says pointing down to the hallway.

"Does it come with free alcohol or do I need to go out and buy some?" I ask Mark before he chuckles.

"Little Derek likes to drink I see." He says before I shake my head.

"I have a name and it is Olivia, and the answer to my question?" I say with a firm voice so he knows I am serious.

"As one of the best plastic surgeons in New York City, you do not think I have a private bar."

"A private bar and a big ego," I tell him before he chuckles.

"Feisty as usual."

"Mark please, I had a rough day I do not want to deal with your shit today," I tell him before he nods.

"Go get dressed," Mark says before I look at him confused.


"Go get dressed, I am taking you tonight." He says before a chuckle.

"You aren't going to sleep with me, Mark," I tell him before he nods.

"You have not come to New York since Derek's wedding. The city has changed a lot and with all the time you will be in the OR, you need to go out for once in your life." Mark says trying to convince me.

"If you finish sleeping with me then that is a bonus you get," Mark says being cocky.


I quickly walk to my room and change into black jeans and a white sweater as it is a bit cold up here in New York. I had sneakers with my outfit as I have been standing a lot today and I need my feet to be comfortable.

After changing clothes, I head straight out as I will not wear any makeup for Mark. No reason to impress him. After all, it is Mark.

"You clean up nice," Mark says as he is not trying to cover that he is checking me out as I try my hardest to not roll my eyes.

"Mark, if you keep complimenting me I will definitely not sleep with you," I tell him before he nods.

"Let's go then," Mark says before he grabs his wallet and keys.

"What's our first stop?" I ask him as we leave his apartment.

"Take a guess."

"I'm already going out with you."

"Central Park."

"Central Park is full of crime," I tell him before he chuckles.

"And food trucks."

"Free food."

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