Chapter 28: Of Strength and Passion

Start from the beginning

"Hey since the dead are coming back to life, maybe's there's a chance your dad and Zoë are-" Percy began and I knew where he was going with it, but only a hopeful fool would believe what he is suggesting.

"Stop Percy. It was painful enough the first go around, I don't need you getting my hopes up, only for them to be grounded into dust, once more," I told him, firmly.

"But you never know," he persisted.

"They're dead Percy, and they're never coming back, so just shut up about it already!" I finally snapped.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to give you something to hold onto. From the very beginning, fate has worked against you. It's taken everything from you, except your life, and it pisses me off to no end! You deserve better, Adrian!" Percy insisted and while I'm touched by his compassion, he seems to have forgotten I still have him and all the others.

"Believe me, Percy. I'm in no shortage of reasons to fight," I reassured him, patting him on the shoulder.

"I'm not just talking about reasons to fight. I'm talking about reasons to live beyond battling the forces of Tartarus, day-in and day-out. We're still just teenagers, Adrian. Hell, we're not even old enough to vote yet!" he pointed out.

"Our childhood ended the moment the ichor in our blood, awakened. And I haven't been a child since I was seven," I told him. "I really wish I had your optimism, Percy, I really do, but sooner or later, we all have to grow up," I said stoically. "Now quit wasting time, you wanted time to rest, so rest. I'll keep watch," I told him and the others.

"We have spare bedrooms that you can bunk in for the time being. We also have a cafeteria, in case you're hungry," Hylla finally spoke up again.

"Thank you, Hylla," I said gratefully.

"What about you?" Frank asked me.

"I'll be alright, Frank. I'm not tired nor hungry," I assured him. "Get some rest and eat something before we set out again," I advised him and the others too, before they were out of ear-shot.

"Understood," he said before the Amazonians led them off to their sleeping quarters.

"I'm sorry, you had to hear all that, Hylla" I said, embarrassed by my own lack of control over my fury.

If I'm not careful Nemesis or Eris could make me their thrall.

"Don't be," Hylla assured me with a sympathetic look in her eyes. "As much as I know that the past cannot be changed, you mustn't be so quick to give into despair. Perhaps in these tumultuous times your father, and sister found a way to return to the realm of the living, just as Hazel did," she pointed out.

"How did you know about Hazel?" I asked surprised.

"It's all in the way she acts and speaks," Hylla told me. "Come with me, there's a place inside this warehouse that I wish to take you to," she insisted.

"Lead on," I said as I was not about to deny the Queen of the Amazons.

From the main warehouse area, Hylla led me through the warehouse, until we reached, a lush forest sanctum. It's incredible, and no doubt everything here could be found on Circe's Island. Feeling Hylla grab hold of my bionic hand, she continued to lead me through the sanctum, until we reached a natural spring within the sanctum.

"Sit with me," Hylla requested though the way she said it, it was more like a command. "Much has certainly been placed upon your shoulders by the gods," she remarked.

"That obvious, huh?" I asked. "Yeah it's not easy being one of Olympus' favorite sons. Everyone excepts great deeds from you, and while I have no intention on ever betraying their trust, it can be overwhelming at times. Everyone expects me to fix every single problem that surfaces, but I'm only one demigod! And now, not only do the gods want me to find, and free Thanatos, but they're also counting on me to brocker a peace between Roman and Greek demigods!" I explained my predicament.

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