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With a final sigh I slowly made my way up to the baby nursery to put Jessamine in her crib before retiring myself for the night. My feet heavy and tired I finally made my way to the large nursery. Carefully I laid Jessamine down in her crib and rested my arms on the side of the crib while I watched her sleep peacefully.
Dolia quietly entered the nursery and came up to me, thinking she was here because Dylan requested my presence I closed my eyes wishing in my head that she would go away. "You're majesty it's good to see you've safely returned." Dolia placed her hands together in front of her, "There is a young man in the grand foyer who has asked to speak with you."
My eyes flew open in surprised, "What?" I whispered as to not wake my baby."
"There is a man who wants to see you." Dolia repeated.
Thinking she must be confused I asked, "Are you sure he's not here for a business meeting with King Dylan?"
"No you're majesty, he specifically asked to speak to you. He addressed you as Amaya of course I told him that is no way to speak to the Queen. That you are Queen Amaya of Kalopsia......" Dolia rambled on with her speech on titles, fancy names, and how anyone who doesn't use the right titles are rude common people.
I couldn't help but smile, Dolia and I sure didn't get along when I first married Dylan, but we've both have came a long way. Now I considered Dolia a great companion and company in the castle. Besides she sure did know how to plan and decorate for huge events in the castle. "Dolia, please watch over Jessamine while I straighten out the matter with the man in the foyer." I directed smoothing out my gown which was a little wrinkled from traveling.
"Yes your majesty."
I made my way out the nursery and down the long hallways. I reached the top of the white marble staircase that curved down to the grand foyer. Placing my hand on the smooth marble railing I slowly took step after step down the stairs. With each step I took I could see a little bit more of the man that waited at the bottom.
His back was to me and he wore black boots with black pants and black cotton shirt. The closer I got to him I could smell a strong scent of pine trees mixed with other outdoor smells.
My heels tapped as I reached the marble flooring of the royal foyer at the front of the castle. I frowned wondering what this man wanted with me? He had to be here for Dylan I thought to myself. "Can I help you?" I asked.
Only when he turned around did I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand, his distinguished dark brown eyes bore into my very heart opening something I had kept close for so long. The way his wavy brown hair touched his ears was the same way he had left it. I removed my hand from my mouth and stared wide eyed at the stranger who I knew very well, "Hay.....Hayden??"

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