Bloody Stars

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All throughout dinner, Alex's eyes stayed subtly locked on Logan, watched every single thing he did. At one point, Pascal excused himself to go to the bathroom, and Logan could feel Alex's leg move until his leg was pressed against Logan.

Logan decided Pascal, for now, was definitely the lesser of two evils.

After what seemed like an eternity, dinner ended, and Giovonnie and Jory were sent to bed, the four of them moving into the living room to quietly chat as a movie played in the background.

Eventually, Florencio and Alejo excused their selves, and Logan thought of doing the same. He had begun to feel woozy, and tired, almost like he was intoxicated.

Alex finally tells Pascal he had to be leaving for the night, and seeing how late it was, Pascal takes Logan upstairs to get ready for bed.

Logan collapses under the covers, falling asleep before Pascal was even done changing. Pascal snuggles up next to him, slowly falling asleep with a small smile on his face.

Around two in the morning, a good four hours before anyone was expected to wake up, something jostles Logan awake.

He startlingly realizes he's standing in the upstairs living room, and someone's arm was holding him up.

"Mmm?" Logan's head tries to support itself, but he still felt so dazed.

The person holding him chuckles, continuing to lead him over to the front door. Sela whines in her crate, scratching at the sides.

"Shut up, you stupid mutt," Alex growls, kicking the cage and making her yelp.

He opens the door, so normally locked it seemed so unnerving.

Freezing wind slips around Logan and he shivers, his legs trudging as Alex guides him to a truck, opening the door and lifting him into the passenger seat.

Alex gets into the front and starts the car, beginning to drive down the mountain.

"Wha'er you doin'?" Logan slurs, finally managing to get a sentence out.

"Go back to sleep."

Logan can't help but listen, his eyes slowly drifting shut as he leaned against the window.

Logan drifts in and out of consciousness, jolting awake as Alex slammed on the brakes with a curse and got out of the car, pulling Logan out and putting something cold above his ear.

Logan felt like he was standing there for forever, eventually falling back asleep on his feet.

A loud shot cracks through the alleyway and Alex tries to pull himself and Logan out of the way.

Logan stumbled backward, a hot and searing pain shooting throughout his chest.

Another loud noise screams through this place.

Faint, panicked words drift lazily through his brain, but it's like speaking another language. The only thing he can make out is "Logan" and "So sorry!"

It almost sounds like Pascal, but why would Pascal be worried?

He crashes to the ground, his vision blurring as a ringing sound takes over his hearing.

He can taste blood, cold and metallic, it feels like his mouth is filled with pennies.

A mouth filled with pennies, what a silly thought, he thinks to himself.

His vision wavers. Was the basement ceiling always this bright?

And cold, it was so, so cold.

Logan shivers, and more burning pain sprouts within him.

I really hope I haven't broken something, he thinks next, Pascal would never take me to the doctor, and I don't think that nurse is really-


Had someone finally come for them, were they-?

Were they finally free?

A silly childish giggle escapes him, they couldn't be, they were going to die in that basement.

Was he outside?

Logan's vision finally focuses enough to look up.


He had forgotten that the stars were so beautiful.

Words: 618

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