Cooking and Burn Scars

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The credits finally rolled at noon, just in time for Pascal to collect Jory from downstairs to start cooking lunch. He made his way into the basement, so much quieter today because of his absence. Pausing at the boy's room, he peeked his head in to check that Giovonnie had put on his outfit.

Giovonnie, surprising everyone, even himself, had put on the dress. Every time he tried to ignore it, just stay in his pajamas the whole day, his chest dropped with worry. All he could think about was what Pascal might do if he got him mad this time. Clearly, he didn't know him as well as he thought he used to.

It was pretty, and it felt strangely like the dress was form-fitted to him. It just...wasn't him. Seeing it on anyone else would have him staring in awe at the tiny detailing, and the small, careful stitches. But with him, it was just wrong.

It was too late to change his mind now though because Pascal was already taking a hundred pictures a second, and Giovonnie was very red.

Deciding he'd embarrassed him enough, Pascal took Jory upstairs with one last snap of the camera. Pascal stopped to show Logan how to start movies on the TV, leaving him a small pile to choose from on the coffee table.

Jory slowly flipped the crisp pages of his cookbook, breathing in the nice scent of the new pages as he tried to find a recipe. Jory finally picked something simple, more for Pascal than him. He didn't quite know the extent of Pascal's knowledge about him, but seeing as he gave Jory a cookbook, it hopefully wasn't much.

Logan had sifted through the pile of DVDs on the table countless times and found nothing that piqued his interest. His eyes were instead glued to two of the doors in the room, the one leading outside, and the mysterious door Florencio told him lead to an office.

The front door, of course, had a lock. Logan had learned long ago that Pascal hadn't done anything stupid when taking them. Everything had locks, doors, cabinets, drawers, and only Pascal had the keys. But the office door was the only thing that wasn't locked.

Logan slowly stood and moved through Pascal's bedroom, peering through the kitchen door. Jory and Pascal were laughing about something while Jory effortlessly worked. Backing into the living room, Logan's hand slowly grabbed the office doorknob. Gently, his hand twisted, and the door swung open. Logan peered around the dim room, his hand finding a light switch and flipping it on. A fan turned on with the light, slowly blowing cold air around the room. Logan looked over piles of messy papers on Pascal's desk. Everything was disorganized, and in disarray, clearly, Pascal wasn't one for filing things. But...That didn't make sense.

Pascal had managed to kidnap four people, two of whom were adults. He had seemingly installed knock-out gas into his car for readied convenience, forged papers for all sorts of things. He'd somehow managed to get jobs as a teacher, both college level and piano. But Pascal...Well, Pascal was ditzy. His strength was far superior over any smarts; that was most of why he was able to keep them here, just pure force. Where was he getting all the money he threw away during dinners with Logan? None of it added up. Florencio mentioned Pascal calling his mom, meaning surely there must be a phone somewhere in here.

Logan lifted papers and yanked open drawers haphazardly, forgetting to be quiet in his excitement. Phone meant calling the police and freedom if he could just find it.

By the time Logan had searched the room top to bottom, he had left what looked like a tornado in his wake, with no phone in sight.

"Logie?" Logan's head snapped up at Pascal's call, hurriedly putting the papers back as close as he could to their original spots. "Come help us real quick, bunny! I can't get this right!"

Logan was over as quickly as possible, shutting the office door behind him to cover his tracks as he skidded to a stop in the kitchen.

"Yes, Pascal?" He swallowed the lump in his throat, hoping Pascal didn't pick up on his nerves.

"Well, would you look at that! That is how you're supposed to do it!" Pascal turns with a smile, ruffling Jory's hair. "I guess I don't need help anymore! Jo-Jo here figured it out! You look tired, Lo. Why don't you lay down in our bed for a bit? I'll let you know when we're ready to eat."

"Yes, Pascal," Logan said stiffly. He knew Pascal wasn't just suggesting he took a nap; he was ordering it.

Whether it was because he was onto him, or because he liked control over everything, Logan wasn't sure. But he knew for certain there was no way he'd be able to sleep.

"And then we just have to finish making the side dishes!" Pascal announces happily.

"Uhh, dad-" Jory hurriedly points behind Pascal to the stove where his homemade stew was threatening to boil over the pot.

"Ahh! Be careful-Oh gosh!" Pascal shrieks, grabbing a potholder and lifting it away from the stove. Setting it out the counter, he frantically fans the still bubbling stew while Jory stifled his laughter.

"Oh, so you think this is funny?" Pascal asks through his own snickers, splashing him with some of the water in the sink.

Jory gasps as the water lands on his chest, soaking through his shirt. Splashing Pascal back, he turns to the stew and stirs it to help it settle, watching as it cooled.

"This fun?" Pascal asks as he sidesteps over to the bowl of mashed potatoes he'd been whisking.

"Mhm." Jory nods, still smiling. "I used to cook meals like this with my dad all the time."


Jory's eyes went wide when he realized what he said. "I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean it!"

"Stop yelling, Jory." Pascal hisses, grabbing his arm and dragging his son further away from the door. "You'll wake up your father from his nap."

"S-Sorry." Jory stuttered, wincing in pain as Pascal's fingers dug into his wrist. "I'm really, really sorry d-dad."

Pascal's gaze softens, and he smiles sweetly, kissing Jory on the forehead. "It's okay, sweetie. Just help me finish with the burgers."

Jory sighed quietly in relief and follows Pascal back to the stove.

A few minutes pass in silence and Pascal turns to Jory asking, "Want to see something cool?"

Jory nods eagerly, happy that Pascal seemed okay to talk to again.

Pascal grinned and with a quick movement of the pan, sends all three burgers into the air where they do a neat flip.

The problem being, as they landed, a splash of grease went flying, landing on Jory with a scalding sizzle noise.

Jory screams, and Pascal muffles him using his hand, watching as the boy's eyes fill with tears and wails beg to escape his throat.

"If you wake up your father Jory, I swear to god-" Pascal cuts off, but the crying teen gets the message.

Pascal never swore, he hated swearing.

Especially about the God he praised so highly.

Pascal slowly takes his hand off of Jory's mouth.

The teen whimpers, doing his best not to cry.

"Now, go downstairs and get ready for dinner." Pascal orders, "Don't you dare touch your arm, understand? Leave it be."

Words: 1,247

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