The Wedding

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Pascal's eyes darkened, filled with a rage Florencio had never seen. Not even on the day he tried to escape. Grabbing a washcloth from off the table, he storms over to Florencio and shoves it into his mouth, pushing him onto a chair harshly.

"I know you're a little excited, Florencio." Pascal says through gritted teeth, "But I suggest you keep your mouth shut."

Florencio lets out a gasp of indignation that's muffled by the washcloth as Pascal stands up and straightens out his dress.

"It's time!" Pascal declares excitedly.

Jason heads into the hallway, and if he craned his neck, Florencio could just barely see him knocking on the door to Logan's room.

His door opens, and Florencio turns to face Pascal. Jory stared at the floor while Giovonnie glared at Pascal. Pascal bounced slightly as he noticed Jason leading Logan around the corner, Logan staring holes into the floor and blushing a bright red. He was so cute!

Logan stops when Jason indicates, and Jason opens up his book, starting to read off the beginning for a wedding ceremony.

Logan tunes most of it out, staring down at the carpet. There was a small brown stain by his foot that Logan hadn't noticed before. He wondered how long it had been there, and what had caused it. Had there been other people here, once? The thought made his hands sweat, his head spinning.

"Logan, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, for as long as you shall live, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

Logan looks up, his eyes blank as he stared at a smiling Pascal. ""

"You may now kiss the groom."

Pascal squeals and grabs Logan by the waist, pulling him closer and kissing him on the mouth. Logan closes his eyes and pretends it was someone else, anyone else.

He'd rather kiss his asshole boss for crying out loud!

The entire living room fell silent after Pascal left, escorting Jason back upstairs so he could leave. Logan unties Giovonnie and takes out Florencio's gag, a blank look on his face.

He sits down numbly on the couch, letting out a small shuddering sigh.

Giovonnie looks at him nervously, then sits next to him on the couch as Jory and Florencio stare at him worriedly.

"Papa?" Jory asks softly.

Logan shoots up stiffly and hurries off to his room.

Florencio looked between the two teens uncomfortably, moving his hands around in unsure gestures. "I'm gonna go take off the dress..." Florencio finally says, quietly heading into his room.

Giovonnie remains sitting on the couch, staring at the spot where Logan had sat.

Logan re-buttons his shirt, putting the dress back in its box and staring at the ring on his finger.

He'd never wanted to melt into the floor more.

Logan twists it so the diamond is resting on his palm, making him feel only slightly better.

Pascal opens his closet and pulls out a shirt and jeans, getting changed and putting his wedding dress back into his closet lovingly. He smiles down at his ring and grabs the big box of presents he had left on his bed, heading back downstairs.

"Florencio?" Pascal calls, smiling at Giovonnie and Jory. "Can you come here? I have presents!"

Florencio softly pads back into the living room, looking at Pascal curiously.

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