Chapter Five

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Harry froze in his tracks as he caught her staring, and it was obvious to her that he remembered. Oh god, he remembered! How embarrassing.

She quickly shut the blinds and made her way back to her half full cup of coffee, cheeks flaming at the thought of him catching her staring at him, him remembering that they slept together last night.

She didn't care, anyways. It's not like it matters. They're not close friends. They hardly know each other.

Come to think of it, Aubrey knew almost nothing about the boy. She knew he was British, she knew he was hot, she knew he had fluffy brown hair and gorgeous green eyes and abs of steel and a big- But other than his appearance she knew next to nothing.

She didn't know his favourite colour, food, or season, she didn't know anything. Aubrey didn't even know his last name! And she didn't care, or at least that's what she told herself. She didn't care about her neighbour with the kind eyes, not in the the slightest.

She finished her coffee, putting the mug in the dishwasher before going to get changed into swimmers. If she wasn't going to sleep she may as well do something, and she hadn't even swam in her new pool yet.

She hung her towel on the pool fence before opening the gate and walking towards the pool. The sun was hot and she probably should have put sun cream on, but she was only planning on a quick dip so she wouldn't get burnt, hopefully.

Aubrey didn't bother testing the water before she dove into the pool, the cool water completely waking up any part of her that was still sleepy. She smiled, feeling a lot better; being in the water had always comforted the girl.

She was still smiling as she looked over the fence to the house next door, still smiling as she met eyes with the boy who she had just been trying to forget.

Her smile dropped.

She couldn't seem to get away from him! Aubrey huffed as she got out of the pool and grabbed her towel, turning away from Harry, who's eyes were still on her.

She didn't even notice that she was still wet as she stormed back inside and slammed the door. So much for not caring.

Aubrey wasn't mad at Harry, she was mad at herself for not being able to get him out of her head.

She fumed silently as she wrapped her towel around her dripping hair, grabbing another towel to wipe up the pool water from the floor.

What on earth was she going to do with herself?

It had been about two weeks since the first party of summer, and Aubrey didn't even know why she had been worried. Harry and her were acting normal, nothing was awkward, and only Chelsea, Matt and Bella knew that it even happened; Aubrey told Chelsea, Matt knew because he had to drop Harry home the morning after, and Bella knew because Matt tells her practically everything and vice versa.

She had gone to a couple of parties since the first one, but Aubrey made sure she didn't get nearly as drunk as she did that first party. Besides she thought whatever she did that night broke her body because whenever she was offered a drink she just didn't feel like alcohol at all. Weird.

So much for a wild summer. Sure, Aubrey was still going to all of the parties, but she was hardly drinking at all and always left early because she couldn't seem to get rid of this endless fatigue, no matter how much she slept. She just wasn't in the party mood anymore.

She yawned, getting changed out of her pyjamas into just whatever clothes she found first, and made her way over to Chelsea's house. The girls were all coming over later that day for a hangout and then sleepover, but Aubrey wanted to just chill with Chelsea alone first.

Aubrey didn't bother knocking on the door; the girls had given each other keys so they could come and go as they liked.

Once inside, she found Chelsea in the kitchen.

"Hey, Bree! How do you feel?" She asked sympathetically, knowing how tired Aubrey had been feeling for a while.

"Still not great," Aubrey rubbed her eyes, "But it's fine, I'm excited for tonight!"

"Literally same, I've missed hanging out with just the girls so much."

"Yeah, it should be fun." Aubrey smiled. Chelsea handed Aubrey a glass of water, and she took a sip.

"Oh my god! I almost forgot to tell you. So after you left last night, you'll never guess what happened."


"Okay, so the boys were hanging with us, and it was great, but then Hunter started talking shit about you, you know how he does that? Like trying to somehow make it so the breakup was your fault when he's the one he cheated." Aubrey rolled her eyes at the mention of her ex boyfriend.

"Anyways so he was all like 'one and a half years wasted on that bitch' and I told him to shut the fuck up and then he didn't and he said 'Chels, I don't know how you can be friends with such a whore' and then Harry! As in our neighbour who lives next door to you, Harry who you slept with, got up and punched Hunter! In the face! What the fuck!"

"What?! Why?" Hunter's behaviour didn't surprise the girl, but Harry's certainly did. "He hardly knows me, why would he do that?"

"I think he likes you," Chelsea winked, but Aubrey shook her head.

"No way."

"Well he cares about you enough to punch one of his new friends in the face for talking shit about you, so-"

"I can't believe that even happened." Why did he do that for her? Did he like her or did he just have morals that go against douchebag ex boyfriends talking shit?

"I know. Too bad you don't like him," Chelsea raised her eyebrow, baiting her friend for a reaction to prove that maybe she did have a slight crush on the boy.

"I don't like Harry, and I never will, period."

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