Chapter One

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BEAMS OF SUNLIGHT SHONE THROUGH the open window as Aubrey admired her new kitchen. Today was the day she was finally moving out of her childhood home, instead moving into a beach house all by herself. Although, some might say it didn't even count as her first home as technically her parents had bought it for her, on the condition that at the end of summer she would start work at the family business.

The Grace family was well known on Shuttler Island, renowned for their trading business that earned the Island most of its money, and the condition was not a hard one for Aubrey to accept, she had known for ages that she would inherit the company when her parents retired.

Instead of being sour at the thought of having a full time job in the very near future, she had made it her mission to have a wild summer with no responsibilities. Nothing could go wrong, it was going to be the perfect summer.

Making her way back to the front of the house to carry in another box full of her stuff, Aubrey stayed lost in thought. In all honesty she couldn't believe her parents had even let her consider moving out, so a couple of months ago when she had proposed the idea it had shocked her when they agreed she should have her own place, condition aside, they asked for hardly anything in return, just to visit them once a week for dinner, which wasn't a big ask seeing as you can almost walk from one side of the island to the other in a couple of hours.

Her house was perfect, and more than she could've ever asked for. Right on the beach, it was gorgeous, made of white concrete and decorated with a variety of different plants. The house had a summery feel to it, and already felt like home to the 18 year old girl.

She was just taking the last box inside and preparing herself for the horror of unpacking all of her belongings when a car pulled over in front of the house next door to hers and a squealing girl tumbled out.

"Oh my god, Bree, I can't believe you're finally moving in! We're, like, officially neighbours now!" The tan brunette pulled her into a hug, which Aubrey quickly returned.

"I know! It feels like just yesterday when I was asking my parents to move out, and now look at us! Graduated and living on our own!" Aubrey grinned, her best friend's excitable personality was contagious.

"Prepare for the best summer of your life, Bree, it's gonna be so wild," she was practically jumping up and down at this point.

Aubrey let out a laugh, "Calm down, Chels. I still can't believe we're literally going to be living right next to each other, it's a dream come true, hey?"

"Hell yeah it is! Let me help you unpack, you must have so much work to do." The girls made their way inside, laughing and chatting.

Chelsea had been Aubrey's best friend for as long as she could remember. They had grown up together and had been very close since they were young. Their mother's would always laugh and call them two peas in a pod; the girls' were inseparable.

It was late by the time they had finished unpacking. Aubrey had wanted to get almost everything done that day, so she could relax tomorrow. The house had already been furnished, so they just needed to unpack her belongings and decorate before they could call it a day.

They cooked dinner together, and Aubrey was more than thankful for her friend's help; she was an awful cook. She could do basic meals, but anything past that was way over her head. She didn't think her poor cooking skills mattered that much, though she was living on her own, she wasn't planning on staying home at night. She could buy dinner when she was out.

After dinner, Chelsea made her way home and Aubrey was alone again. She made her way to the vanity in her bathroom, washing her face and brushing her hair before changing into something more comfortable for bed. It was just an oversized graphic tee and some pj shorts, she had never seen the need for a set of pyjamas; they were often less comfortable than what she wore to be and just not something she thought she needed.

She studied herself in the mirror. Aubrey had never portrayed herself as cocky, but she was well aware that she was very attractive. Her blonde hair framed her face perfectly and her bright green eyes stood out against her tan skin. Freckles spread across her nose and onto her naturally rosy cheeks.

Snapping out of her trance, Aubrey left the bathroom and went to bed, setting her alarm for early the next morning so she could wake up to go to the beach.

A loud buzzing noise filled Aubrey's ears, waking her up. She groaned sitting up to grab her phone and smash the stop button, noticing a couple of chats on the group chat with the girls.

Shuttler Girls🤎
6:27am, 02 June

Bella 🌸
hey girls, ik its still
early but Matts throwing
a party tonight, yall should
totes comeee🤍

Chels 🐚
omg yess im defs in!

Alana 🌊
im down! at his place?

Bella 🌸
yep x

Sophia ☀️
will daniel be there?

Bella 🌸
i think so, Matt probs
invited all of the guys

Sophia ☀️
i'll be there :)

Chels 🐚
still simping soph?

Sophia ☀️
noooo i was just
wondering if he was
coming thats all ;)

Alana 🌊
i bet you cant wait
to see him haha

Bree 🌺
you already KNOW i'll be
there, i cant wait to see yall!

Bella 🌸
yes can't wait!
read by (4), 6:34am

Aubrey shut her phone with a smile. First party of the summer, it was almost guaranteed to be a wild one. She quickly got changed into a random bikini, chucking her rashie over the top, before brushing her teeth and grabbing her pink surfboard, meeting Chelsea outside, who was also holding a surfboard, hers blue. She smiled in greeting and the girls walked towards the waves, prepared to start their day off in the best way possible; at the beach, soaking in the sun.

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