Chapter Two

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Harry took off his jumper as soon as he had got his suitcase; even in the air conditioned airport it was much warmer than it had been in London. His flight had taken him to the main island of the small, little known country of Bergainé, and he would need to catch a ferry to his final destination, a place called Shuttler Island. The nineteen year old boy was beyond excited for this summer, and even though he might miss his family and his bandmates, he couldn't wait to find out what this summer of freedom had in store for him.

Harry was jetlagged and tired by the time he got to Shuttler Island, and was immensely thankful for the boy who was helping him with his luggage. It was around 3:00pm but he was the most tired he had been in ages.

"You here for the summer?" the boy had dark brown wavy hair and looked Harry's age.

"Yeah, for a much needed holiday. I heard they threw good parties here, so here I am," Harry chuckled.

"We don't get many tourists, and the ones we do are mostly from America, but you definitely don't sound American. Is your accent legit?"

"Yeah, I live in London actually, so I'm a bit far from home you could say," Harry replied, stifling a yawn.

"Explains why you're so jetlagged then. I'm Matt, by the way, pleasure to meet you." Even though Harry felt like absolute shit, Matt was easy to talk to; he had this warm charismatic personality that made it impossible not to like the guy.

"Harry. Thanks so much for the help by the way, you're a lifesaver. Do you know where I could get a cab?" His question made Matt laugh, his chocolate brown eyes shining.

"We actually don't have many cabs here, as I said we don't get many tourists and most people's houses are in walking distance, you know? Let me drive you."

"No, you've helped me so much already its all good. I suppose I'll walk then?"

"I suppose you will," Matt did seem to laugh a lot. "You're proper posh, hey? It's refreshing."

The two boys reached the top of the stairs. "Okay, so just walk down that road and turn left, and then once you're at that street turn right back towards the beach. You're at Mr and Mrs Wiley's beach house, they've rented out their house to you for the summer, right?"

"Yes they have. Thank you again, Matt."

"No prob. Anyways, I'd better be off, my girlfriend's probably having a fit back at my place. She's getting ready for the party I'm throwing later," He explained. "First of the summer, it's gonna be a big one. If you're not so tired later, here's my number, just text me and I'll send through the deets."

Harry nodded, thanking the boy once again before heading off with the directions Matt had given him.

Harry turned onto the street, and saw the house he had luckily been able to rent for the whole summer. It was right on the beach, and beautiful. A mix of light grey concrete and white stained wood, it looked just as amazing as it did in the photos. It was definitely worth the money.

Right next door to him was a big beach house, made of white concrete and decorated with a variety of different plants. Harry wondered who lived there, but he decided he was too tired to introduce himself to any more people, no matter how nice they were.

As soon as Harry unlocked the door and took his suitcases inside, he barely looked around the house before having a quick shower and then going to bed, shutting the blinds to block out the sun.


Aubrey was just getting a snack from her pantry and some ice water when she got another text. Her phone seemed to be very popular that day, as people hardly texted where she lived, because everyone was always catching up anyway and lived so close together.

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