Chapter Four

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By the time Aubrey found Bella and Chelsea, she was on her fourth drink and the party was fuzzy around her. Whatever was in the jungle juice was strong, and drinking it as fast as she had was probably not the best idea, but who cares? It's summer!

The girls had a lot of fun together dancing around and laughing and yelling and slurring their words. Sophia and Alana soon joined them, and the whole group of them were dancing together, having the time of their life.

"Let's get on the table," Aubrey yelled, Chelsea giggling as her friend tripped on her way over to the table, but following her nonetheless.

The group of girls laughed together as they tried to climb up in their small dresses without flashing anyone, everyone but Aubrey being sober enough to take their shoes off before getting up. She kept hers on.

They were dancing on the table and people were watching them, laughing and the girls were laughing and everyone was laughing until the boys saw them. Matt came over and got Bella to get off the table, worried about her safety; ("Come on, B, I'll carry you to my room and you can go to sleep, okay?")

The rest of them were still up there, until Sophia practically threw herself off the table into Daniel's arms, amusing the rest of them immensely. Giggling with Chelsea and Alana, Aubrey didn't realise how close to the edge of the table she was, or notice that the heel of her shoe was slipping until it was too late, and she was too unbalanced and drunk to stop herself from falling off the table.

She closed her eyes, ready for a painful fall to the floor, but it didn't come. Instead, Aubrey fell into strong arms that wrapped around her.

Meeting Harry's green eyes, the girl smiled flirtatiously, any thoughts she had about not being attracted to the boy when she was sober gone from her mind.

"You're like my knight in shining armour," she slurred, giggling a bit. "You saved me!"

"If I'm your knight in shining armour, does that make you my princess?" He laughed. Harry was just as drunk as the blonde girl, just better at hiding it.

"I could be your princess," she winked at him, standing up but keeping her arms wrapped around his neck.

He smirked down at her, "I'd like that very much," before his lips crashed into hers. Maybe Aubrey was just drunk, but the kiss was amazing. Harry's lips were warm and soft and Aubrey never wanted to stop kissing him. She pouted as he pulled away, disappointed as the butterflies in her stomach flew away.

"You're very good with your mouth, Bree," Harry's voice was deep as he spoke to her.

"You wanna see what else my mouth can do?" She purred, and they stumbled upstairs, Aubrey leading them towards the empty spare room.

Harry locked the door behind them.

Aubrey groaned as she rubbed her eyes, her pounding headache not making waking up any easier. What happened last night? Just as she thought those cursed words, she looked over to see a naked boy in bed next to her. Shit.

Her eyes made their way from his chiseled abs, (Who the hell was he? Why was he supermodel hot?), up to his sharp jawline and- her heart skipped a beat.

She slept with Harry? She slept with Harry. Great going, Aubrey. Sleep with your neighbour who you have to see probably every day for the next three months, because that won't make anything at all awkward.

She suddenly found getting up a lot less hard despite her raging hangover. Quickly chucking her dress on and grabbing her shoes, she wondered if she should wake Harry up. I mean, they were neighbours, and he didn't have a car. Their houses were easily in walking distance, but walking home with a hangover was not fun, she knew from experience.

Better to let him sleep, she decided. No need to make things any more awkward, and with hope he wouldn't even remember it was her who he slept with. Besides, maybe Matt would offer to drive him home?

With that, Aubrey quietly slipped out of the room, walking downstairs and out the front door, a walk she had made the morning after a party at Matt's many times before. Shielding her eyes from the glaring sun, Aubrey made her way to Chelsea's car, Chelsea herself already in the car waiting for her.

The girls took one look at each other and laughed; they looked like a mess.

The car trip was mostly quiet, as speaking physically hurt Aubrey's brain which already felt as though it was about to implode, and Chelsea feeling very similarly to her.

Aubrey hugged Chelsea goodbye outside, and once home quickly wiped off her makeup before collapsing into her bed, feeling dead to the world.

But sleep just wouldn't come. She sighed, her brain filled with questions and thoughts about what the hell she was thinking last night, sleeping with Harry.

She couldn't decide whether it would be worse if he remembered it happened or if he didn't. Either way, she would pretend it never happened.

What was she thinking?

Maybe a shower would help her sort out her thoughts, and then she could finally sleep off her hangover, she decided. But even after a nice warm shower, it didn't seem to calm her brain.

Aubrey eventually gave up on the idea of sleep, dragging her bleary eyed self down to the kitchens to make herself a coffee.

Taking a sip, she sighed. Coffee always helps the morning after.

Halfway through drinking her coffee, Aubrey heard a car engine outside, and peeked out the window to see who it was. Lo and behold, it was Harry himself. Looks like Matt did give him a ride home.

Just as she stared at the guy she had left naked in bed a couple hours prior, the worst thing imaginable happened.

Harry caught her staring.

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