|Chapter Six.|

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Chapter Six
The Aftermath
Day Twenty Two

Sub Zero and I both sat at the rickety old wooden table, both awkwardly exchanging looks.

From what happened last night I just want to run away, kissing is one thing but loosing your virginity is a whole other thing. But no protection is even worse.

Tallie shuffled into Mess Hall, her blonde hair standing still from her slow movements.

She carefully sat at the table as well, but instead of her type Tallie fashion she just sat down, she would usually play around in her chair occasionally kicking my feet. But she is just sitting.

I look at Sub Zero, who seemingly also looked confused. "Whats wrong miss tall girl." Sub Zero chuckled at his own comment.

"Someone was moaning so loud that I could hear, so could Madison." Tallie moaned, rubbing her eyes. That name sounds familiar...

A bell interrupted, many waiters came by and dropped off a plate assorted with food.

Master Lao stood up, his cape partially getting stuck on the chair.

"Let us thank the gods for this meal, and hope my son return, and let my oldest son Rest In Peace in heaven. Enjoy your meals." Just like that, every body just went ham on their food.

Almost a hundred people, crammed in a small room. Eating eggs, stale bacon, and fruits that may be expired. But I can't complain, Sub Zero unlike everybody else was eating at a slow pace savoring each bite.

Tallie just looked depressed from last nights events.

As soon as the bell rang again, signifying it was time to finish. We all stood up, grabbed our plates. Then walked over to the baskets in the corner, then placed our plates down.

We all were about to leave until, the door slammed open. A smaller figure holding a scroll, ran over to Lao.

Sub Zero leaned closer to my ear, "Probably just new training tactics." I grunted in response.

"Dire News Master, Rin has arrived to the battle grounds. Awaiting our arrival, Mortal Kombat has started early!"

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