Pt 7. Good Mistake?

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Started school last week, it was quite scary, I felt like I was gonna slip, most of time everything felt fuzzy and weird, and added up staying in the councilors office for most of time because I was to scared to be around so many people but yeah, basically been feeling upset and small lately so gonna write this for comfort.
But besides that, Tommy has his office now! It's very different to the one in my story, which is upstairs in his attic, and more of just like, his safe space, but I just think his office is very cool, very poggers blue room.

I woke up feeling small, wasn't a bad feeling, just felt a bit fuzzy and sleepy, but what I did know was that I was excited for MCC, so I immediately hoped onto my computer, booting up Minecraft.
I then joined the MCC practice server, there were 4 other people online, I was thinking of maybe joining vc incase any of them wanted to talk.
I don't know tho, is it obvious I'm in little space, I don't think it is, besides I'm not that small, I'm still a big boy, brain is just all fuzzy, But this getting boring anyways, I wanna do something else.
Hmmmmm. I wanna call Wilbyy.
No no no, Wilby wouldn't want to hang out with a child, I no want to bother Wilbur.
What about Eret? Eret was nice last time.
And before I gave another thought about this I was already calling Eret.

When he answered I felt a corse of panick go through me for a second, no, I can't do this, they were probably weirded out by me last time, she probably just thought I was acting weird.
But soon enough all this thought went away when I heard Erets voice, the exitment pulling me back into little space.

"Hello Tommy" Eret says.

"Hi Eret!" I say.

My voice was quite hight pitched and sounded a bit slured, I felt about 3 at the moment, and was to into little space to correct my voice.

I heard Eret chuckle,then saying "Did you need something Tommy?"

I thought for a moment,
"Uhhh, no. I just wanted to hang out with you!"

Eret was a bit concerned, Tommy didn't just sound sleep like last time, it sounded like a 6 year old, or as close to the voice of a 3 year old Tommy could do.

"Oh well, I'm glad you want to hang out, but are you okay" Eret said.

Oh... Does he think I'm weird now?
"Sorry, I just thought, I can go if you want" I say.

"Oh, no, it's fine Toms, I was just asking because your voice sounds, hmm, a bit like, almost drunk maybe?" Eret says.

Oh okay, I thought my voice sounded fine.
"My voice sounds fine? I just small, can't speak right, cause words confusing" I say.

Eret was more confused now, he didn't mind this childish Tommy, but he doesn't quite understand what Tommy means.
"Its okay for words to be confusing Tom's, but can you explain a bit more" Eret says.

"What you mean?" I say.

"The small bit" Eret says.

"Oh, mhm, me small, I in little space, small man" I say, giggling at 'small man' that sounds funny.

Eret still doesn't understand, but has heard the term little space before, he wasn't quite sure what it ment thought, so he looked it up, and he got results that read 'little Space is when someone reverts into a younger and childlike mindset where in which they are carefree of any responsibilities. This is a healthy coping mechanism that is completely sfw. Another term for little space is age-regression.'

"Ereeeet, you still there? Do you think I'm weird now? I'm sorry, I know I'm yucky, I shouldn't of told you, I'm sorry" I said panicked after Eret had went silent.

"Oh no, Tommy, I don't think you yucky, I'm completely fine with you being in Little Space" Eret said, feeling a bit bad for going silent on Tommy, but atleast he knew a bit of what was happening now.

"Really?" I say.

"Yes Tommy, I promise" Eret says.

Eret continued to talk to me about all sorts of stuff, I told them about my cool stickers and bracelets!

Eret then remembered something, he was supposed to call CaptainPuffy back, he had been discussing some random topic with her prior to Tommy's call, and haven't called back yet, so he asked Tommy if Puffy could join call, making sure be was comfortable with it.

(This whole part was an excuse to have Puffy interact with little Tommy but I got tired, so doint that in next part)

"Oh, wait, Tommy, can Puffy join call?" Eret asked.

I though for a second, Puffy was really nice, and this us really fun, Eret has been like, the first I told about my age-regression, so I'm exited for more people.
"Yea! Puffy can join!" I say

Though big Tommy would be quite embarrassed later, atleast Little Tommy was having fun.

Hehehe, wholesomeness :D
Btw Tommy's stream today was really good, he streamed for 3 whole hours, but it is sad that he's got covid, though I'm sure he'll be better in no time.
So to anyone who is sick right now, I hope you get better soon, and reminder that your all wonderful people ❤

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