Chapter 14

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Me and Aries were just sitting on the couch while Taurus glared at us and pretend she was on her phone when it happened. The screaming. Taurus ran into the kitchen and I just looked at Aries because I didn't know what to do. After a couple seconds we came to our senses and ran in there just in time to hear.

"They..... Came...... Out of....... My hand." 

Taurus looked shocked and I was very confused.

Then we heard people running down the stairs. Pisces, Sagittarius, Libra, and Gemini came running down the stairs while the others walked behind them. 

"What happened?" Capricorn asked.

Cancer quickly recovered to tell the story.

"So, I was putting the waffle batter in the waffle maker and I heard Virgo gasp and then there were some weird popping noises so I turned around and Virgo had a vine with flowers on it just wrapped around her arm. I didn't know where it came from and the flowers were shooting seeds everywhere. They started hitting me and Virgo so I panicked and screamed which made V scream and Taurus ran in here right after those weird seeds stopped going everywhere." She explained.

Everyone stared in shock but Pisces snapped out of it first when she saw Cancer arm which was dripping blood.

"Oh my God Cancer your hurt!"

Cancer glanced down then looked at Virgo. They were both bleeding.

"It's okay we can go to the bathroom and get some bandages." Virgo reassured her.

"Well you two can't go alone. You and you go with them, well the rest of us figure out what to do." Taurus gestured at me and Scorpio.

Why us? 

We followed the girls to the bathroom but this house was huge and after a couple minutes of walking Cancer turned around to look at us.

"So no, OMG are you guys okay!" She said in a high pitched voice.

Scorpio rolled his eyes at her.

"Excuse me bitch did you just roll your eyes at me?" 

"Yes." He answered.

Then the two of them argued like a married couple the whole rest of the way leaving me to walk with Virgo.

"So," I said walking next to her. "Grew a vine out of your hand. Interesting move. It's a shame those seeds injured your pretty face." I smirked.

"So, you flirt with any thing that's alive. Interesting move. It's a shame you have such a shit personality, you could've been likeable. She mocked.

Then she walked away.

"I don't flirt with anything that's alive. I'm not gay. And i think I have a great personality!" I called after her.

"Of course you would." She yelled back.

Strange most girls I flirt with like me. Guess she's just different. Perfect for me to win over. What a great summer project.

We did find a bathroom eventually. Then we had to find our way back to the kitchen. This place is like a fucking maze. My legs are on fire. Oh God kill me now and send me to hell. 

When we did get back to the kitchen Libra was screaming. Why was everyone screaming today? Then I saw it.

Aries was standing there but he didn't look like he was there. His face was completely blank and he looked like he was waiting for Libra to do something. He wouldn't want move even though Sag was waving his hand in front of his face and Gemini hit him on the arm.

Through the chaos I heard someone call out

"Took you long enough." 

Gemini turned around and swatted Aquarius on the arm.

"Now is not the time we have a crisis on our hands." He said looking dead serious.

She snorted.

"You look like a fucking idiot."

He swatted her again.

I ignored them though they were a cute couple.

I rushed over to Libra and Aries.

"What happened?"

"I just asked him to help clean up the seeds on the floor and he did but when he was done he stopped and went like this and I can't get him to go back to how he was and I don't know what to do or what happened and..." Libra panicked but was cut off by Aries snapping out of whatever trance he was in. 

"What's going on?" 

"Bro I think Libra mind controlled you." Sag said looking awestruck. 

"What? No that's fucking crazy. Shit like that doesn't happen in real life. Does it?" He looked confused.

"We need to tell Queen Ophiuchus, something weird is happening." Capricorn reasoned. 

The Zodiacs and the snakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora