Chapter 3

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Leo P.O.V

I was walking down the courtyard just to get away from my family and all the stress.  It really helped. Some guard for my parents stopped me. Oh did I forget to mention it, my parents are the King and Queen of the fire kingdom. 

"Prince Leo your parents have requested your presence."

"What do they want this time?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"They would like to discuss something important with you sir." He said.

I sighed. 


TIME SKIP........

I walked into the throne room and there my parents sat. Queen Merida and King Hepheastus. My mother smiled at me but as usual father didn't.

"Dear, we called you here because we have some important news." Mother said.

"The Earth Kingdom is throwing a party that we will be attending next week." She continued.

I gaped at her.

"I have decided to let you pick at most 2 other people to bring with you." She told me.

As if that made up for having to see the Earth Kingdom losers. 

"You are dismissed." My father said.

That was quick. I had to get to my room or somewhere safe to process this. My parents started arguing again. I sighed and walked to my room. I got there and shut the door behind me. I sat down on my bed and for a whole 5 minutes I was uninteruppted. Until my father came barging in. He walked up and slapped me. I winced.

"You are a worthless brat." He hissed at me.

I always pretended his comments didn't bother me but they did. I kept my mouth shut though. I had learned the hard way that's the best way to deal with it. 

If only mother knew. What would she do about it?

Gemini P.O.V

I was rudely interrupted during the middle of my nap. Due to my little sister Libra. She yanked the covers off me and yelled in my face.

"Mom and Dad have something to tell us." 

I groaned and rolled out of bed.

"Go away so I can get dressed Lib." 

She skipped out of the room. Libra's just a year younger than me but sometimes she acts like a 2 year old. I got dressed and followed Libra to the throne room. We walked in.

"Hello Children." My mother said.

My mother queen of the Air Kingdom was Queen Aurora and her husband the king was King Zeus. 

"Hello Mother." We repeated like drones

"I have news. Next week we are going to the Earth Kingdom for a ball. You may bring one other person between the both of you." 

Lib stuck her tounge out at me behind our mother's back. She whispered.

"I'm totally bringing Aqua."

Libra was an idiot. 

"You guys can go to your rooms and we will send in a fitted to find your clothes for the ball and fit them." My father told us. 

We reluctantly went back to our rooms. 

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