Chapter 7

525 9 36

Orion P.O.V

After I lead those idiotic children to their headquarters I decide to take a walk in the forest. It was dark and cold just how I liked it. The forest was a complex maze of paths and fallen trees with winding rivers that crisscrossed the while thing. One could easily get lost in here but I had been so many times I knew the route I was looking for by heart. 

The small cabin. Lost for centuries. Until I discovered it. Me. I did it not the queen. I sighed. She never gave me the recognition I deserved. Maybe that's why I did what I did. 

All of a sudden I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I quickly hid behind a thorn bush and dragged some vines over to cover and protect me. 

I saw a soldier. One for the queen. Rage filled my body, I knew revenge on the queen was almost impossible. To get to her was one thing what I wanted to do was another. But that didn't mean I couldn't take it out on her soldiers. Become a bringer of justice. That sounded right. I was doing the right thing because I am a good person and I will save everyone from her. 

So I waited for telling right moment and  jumped out from behind the bush pulling out my gun. Quickly shooting the soldier. I was merciful so I killed him quick after all I never even knew him. 

I didn't see anyone after that. I finally made it over to the cabin. I opened the door and was greeted with the familiar smell of ashes and something rotting. I found my way into the basement and set my bag on the table. I pulled out a big gemstone, it glows in the dim light. Lighting up the whole room. The crown Jewel. It was mine now and no one knew what was coming for them. 


Okay so sorry for not updating I couldn't get o to Wattpad for my deadline so I updated today. I'm going on vacation so no more updates until later next week. Also something happened to me at school today and I wanted to share because it is really something I want to help with and use the very small influence I have to help people with. 

Anyways today my friend asked me if I could get a group of boys to sign her yearbook because she had asked them and they said no. I asked her why she wanted me to ask them and she said it's because your pretty so they'll listen too you. I have really bad body issues and her saying that made my day because I'm really insecure. I said you think I'm pretty? I must have said it loud because some boy looks over and yells your ugly. I honestly don't care what that bitch thinks of me because all that really matters is my friends opionion. She constantly refers to herself as fat and I want anyone who is bigger to know tell the boys, the girls, the anyone's, to fuck off because you are beautiful. No one can tell you different. 

Sorry for the long authors note xoxo. Love you guys

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