author's note :)

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Hey! These are just my notes about the story, and I do recommend reading this before starting my book as it will make certain things more clear and this is the only time I will be mentioning all of this! I would also like to add that don't worry, this will most likely be the only author's note that has it's own chapter.

1. I literally love reading Harry Styles pregnancy fics which is the main reason I thought I'd write my own. I also decided to write this because I was getting sick of reading these fics where the main character was like verrrryyy pro life and like slut-shaming and stuff like that, it was literally getting on my nerves.

2. I take child studies at school and would like to say that I know lots about pregnancy, but that being said there may be things I say about the pregnancy that just aren't true, and I apologise in advance. I've obviously never been pregnant before, but I am going to try really hard to get everything factually correct.

3. I live in Australia, so when I'm talking about American things I might be completely wrong because I only know things about America from like the media and maybe a bit from geography class at school but things might be wrong and I'm sorry about that. The same goes for things about UK, and I'll try my best.

4. Also being from Australia means I will be spelling things how we spell them in Australia, e.g. 'mum', 'colour', 'favourite', etc.

5. As long as yall aren't being like disrespectful or like actually fighting in my comments I don't really mind what you comment, if you think my book literally sucks I'd love to hear your opinion HAHA

6. I have an oc for this book and when I'm writing I will obvs describe how I imagine her in my head, but yall can pretend it's you and say 'I' or 'we' or whatever I don't care, but when she makes dumb choices that you wouldn't personally do you can trash her but like don't be like 'I would never do that' because you aren't her so it doesn't matter, if that even makes sense.

7. I also made her basically like a more attractive me, so for example she has blonde hair because I have blonde hair, etc. I'm sorry if she seems basic looking or something? That's just what I want her to look like so yeah?

8. This book swears and will have like alcohol use and stuff in it

9. The island is like in my own country that I made up. It's one island of eight and not very well known to the rest of the world considering how its a very nice beachy paradise place of my dreams. It's near America but will have similar to Australian laws just because that's what I'm familiar with, so like legal drinking age is 18 and free healthcare and all that.

10. I don't have it set in a specific year, Harry is nineteen, but the timeline will not be accurate at all like the things he actually did when he was nineteen probably won't happen in the book. And also like the dates of school and stuff are like random, they just graduate during late May.

Thanks for reading, remember to vote and comment <3

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