We Need You

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i think this is all mights pov idek

The name rolled off of All For One's tongue, a venomous sting to his words. "Nana Shimura."

My heart lurching, I bent forwards, clutching my chest. As I sat, I felt my eyes become blurry with tears, frantically darting around the area. Swallowing, I felt a lump in my throat, my entire body shaking with ragged breaths.

"Don't you dare speak her name," I whispered hoarsely. Tears stung my cheeks, droplets wetting the ground beneath us.

All For One began to rise, knocking me backwards. "Aw, something wrong, All Might? Trying to protect that pathetic woman's image?" He chuckled, "You know, you're too much like her." Each of his words pierced my soul, building up the resentment for the man. "Weak and useless."

Rage bubbled up inside me, pounding on my chest to get out. "I suggest," I growled, "That you refrain from speaking about her in that way."

His voice was filled with amusement. "And what will you do to stop me, Symbol of Peace?"

Teeth gritted, I launched towards the man, only fueled by my own rage.

"I WON'T LET YOU CONTINUE TORMENTING INNOCENT CITIZENS!" I spat, air rushing through my hair as my fist cut through the breeze.

The man simply dodged. "Looks like you've made a mistake, All Might," he laughed.

My gaze drifted upwards as All For One floated into the air. With each new quirk, his arm rapidly expanded, mutating into a jagged weapon. As his strength became greater, red electricity sparked around the limb.

"Well, All Might," he spoke, "What do you have to say now?"

All For One thrust his arm forwards, opening his palm. As he finished the movement, air began rushing towards me, forcing my body upwards.

Digging my fingers into the dirt, I attempted to remain grounded, but was easily propelled upwards. A sharp pain shot through my stomach, blood escaping from my lips.

Groaning, I felt the wind rush past me, my body hurtling through the air towards the sound of an engine.

Before crashing, I was quickly pulled downwards by Gran Torino.

"Toshinori, remember-don't let him get to you. His taunting is what distracted you during your previous battle. You need to ignore his words," he reminded me.

Crashing into the ground, dust flew up around me. As I shakily pulled myself upwards, I heard as All For One continued monologuing.

"Congratulations, All Might, you're still alive. Although, you won't survive for much longer," he said, hostility in his voice. His bloodthirst seemed almost palpable, shooting through me like a bullet. Caught off guard, I felt myself quickly slipping backwards, barely able to catch myself.

"I almost feel conflicted, though," he mused, "My protege worked so hard to ruin this society. Though, in the end I will see fit that he is relieved of the duty of killing the Symbol of Peace. After all," he glared directly at me, "You've ruined everything that I've built up since I came to power. I worked so hard, and yet you struck my comrades and I in your fury. Now, I shall see to it that you'll come to an end in a similar way."

As he charged up an attack, Gran Torino yelled out to me. "Toshinori, dodge!"

I nodded, planning just that. However, my eyes widened as he aimed his fist towards a civilian under the debris, my instincts kicking in almost immediately.

Shooting forwards, I felt pain course through me as I took the brunt of his attack. Clutching my stomach, I watched as the dust settled, blood dripping from my mouth.

My body is weakened from his attack. I won't be able to continue for much longer.

Now in my true form, I steadied myself.

"Poor All Might. Weakened from years prior," he laughed, "Now the adoring public is aware of your true form. Your precious image that you've built up shall be destroyed."

Stepping forwards, I fought his words. "Despite my body's weakness... Even though it has been revealed... In my heart, I shall remain the Symbol of Peace!" I began to charge up power in my fist, a glowing light emanating in my grasp. "And there's nothing you can do to take that from me!"

Unaffected, All For One remained firm. "Is that so?" He raised his arms, feigning defeat. "I forgot how stubborn you are. I guess I should just give up. Oh, but there's a few things that you might want to know about." He raised two of his fingers, continuing. His voice was vile, almost poisonous as he spoke. "Izuku Midoriya. Your predecessor. The reason I chose him...," he said, pausing. "Was simply to break you."


"As soon as I was done and over with him," he chuckled, "I was going to slaughter him in front of your very eyes." As if he said nothing of importance, he simply shrugged. "Guess that plan is out the window. Oh well."

I felt my heart skip, my eyes narrowing. "You monster."
"Oh, that's not all, All Might. Tomura Shigaraki, my apprentice," he spoke, pleasure in his voice, "He's Nana Shimura's grandson."

My throat became dry, the sound of my heart pumping through my eardrums. I felt myself weakening, stomach dropping to my feet. No. It can't be.

"I kept wondering what would annihilate your golden heart. And so I found Tomura. Groomed him to hate you. And watched you smile so proudly as you beat your master's descendent."

"That's a lie," I whispered hoarsely.

He waved me off. "Oh, come now. You know it's the truth. It's clearly something I would do" He paused for a moment before continuing. "Huh. Well well. That's strange, All Might. Where is your smile now." The man laughed, lifting his cheeks in a mock smile.

My master's words echoed in my brain. "If you have to save someone, that means they've probably gone through something terrifying. They'll be frightened. Remember that real heroes don't just save lives, they save a person's heart too," she paused, "You know what I think? No matter how scared you are, you should smile to show that things will be okay. In this world, the ones always smiling are the ones who are the strongest."

Shaking, I whispered a curse at him.

All For One continued to laugh. "How very entertaining. I think I've taken a piece of you after all."

My voice shook, cracking in between each word. "He's my master's grandchild? My God, what would she say if she saw how we turned out?" I screamed in agony, feeling as though my heart had been ripped from my chest, still beating.

"Don't lose, keep going," a weak voice said from behind me. "All Might," she screamed, her voice strained, "We need you!"




So, since I wanted to personalize the story, some of this chapter's dialogue/actions are taken from the anime (ex: Nana's dialogue), I wrote the majority of it myself. Hope you enjoy that :P

Thanks for reading! <3

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