The Cover Up

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why is it suddenly third person i-




Deku's feet pounded on the street below as he ran to the pool. He had heard that, after his disappearance, everyone had shown up to discuss what had happened.

As he rounded the corner, he paused for a moment to catch his breath. He had a mission, and he couldn't let anything go wrong.

He inspected the cuts and bruises he had 'received from the villains,' or rather the ones that had been given to him as to not arouse suspicion. Immediately after, he took a deep breath, putting on a worried and tired face as he walked into the enclosed area.

At first, it was looking like no one would notice him, as everyone was too enveloped in their conversation. However, attention quickly turned towards Midoriya when Uraraka saw him, as she immediately covered her mouth at the sight of his face. Afterwards, she let out a gasp, which alerted them of Deku's presence.

Deku plastered on a smile, nervously scratching the back of his neck. "Uh... Hey guys," he said, trying to sound nervous.

For a moment, everyone stood still and silent, leaving Deku to awkwardly wait for a response.

Contrary to what he thought, the first to speak out was Mineta. "Midoriya? Where have you been?" Figures. He was always kind of blunt.

Deku began to walk towards them, but he could sense that they were a bit on edge, so he stopped a few feet away. "I...," he gulped, "Uraraka, you saw, yeah? Shigaraki he... He pulled me into his portal."

"Yeah, course I did! But how did you escape?" Uraraka questioned, clearly worried.

He let out a fake cough, hoping to feign injury. "Yeah I... I couldn't make it out right away, since they broke my shoulder. I don't really know what they wanted with me but...," he paused for an effect, "I took the first chance I saw and got away."

Deku could see Bakugou's eyes narrow at his comment. He had prepared for at least a few people to not believe him, but the only one visibly suspicious was Bakugou. The rest just silently stared for a moment, before some rushed at him for hugs, and others just spoke.

Most of the comments consisted of, "We missed you," and, "We were so worried"-nothing too out of the ordinary. Soon enough though, Iida piped up.

"Mr. Aizawa almost even cancelled our trip," he mentioned, "Actually, we should probably speak with him about this..."

A tired voice came from the back. "Speak to me about what?"

Deku glanced over at the source of the voice, who, like he had assumed, was Aizawa. Somehow, he looked more tired than usual-proof that he was worried about Deku.

Before anyone could speak, Aizawa spotted Deku. "Midoriya? Why are you here? You should be in the hospital or something? What happened?" he became worried, more defensive.

"I uhm... Wanted to show everyone that I was alright?" Deku said, almost as if it were a question. "But hey, it doesn't really matter Aizawa Sensei, I swear I'm fine. Just a few scrapes."

Aizawa shook his head. "No matter. Sorry, but you're going to have to pay a visit to Recovery Girl. Luckily for you, she's in today, since students are still here. Afterwards, we need to take a trip to the station, so you can explain what happened," he commanded.

Not seeing any use in arguing with him, Deku flashed a smile at his classmates and followed Aizawa out, making it to the Nurse's office in no time.

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