The Other Side

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these chapters are so short what is actually wrong with me??



...nvm there arent any, carry on


As I fell through the portal, I saw the ground rushing towards me. Or rather, I was rushing towards the ground. Not enough time to react. I braced myself before hitting the floor, and as I made contact a sharp pain shot through my shoulder, causing me to involuntarily let out a groan.

"Well, Izuku Midoriya," Kurogiri vocalized, "Welcome..."

When looking up, I was met with the faces of the League of Villains, all staring down at me. Out of instinct, I attempted to jump up, but halfway through the movement, I felt another pang of pain.

I attempted to bare with it, searching my mind for an answer to the pain. Considering that it felt like a fire was raging through my shoulder, I soon concluded that I had somehow dislocated my shoulder or something of the sort.

"What do you want?" I questioned through clenched teeth.

"Oooh!" Can I tell him? A girl in the back piped up. "Please, pretty please?"

Shigaraki snapped, "Quiet!" Immediately after, his attention turned towards me. "Izuku Midoriya. We've decided to... Recruit you."

I couldn't help but laugh. "What? You thought I'd join you?"

Shigaraki was visibly seething at my comment, and I noticed a man with a patchwork face roll his eyes. "Well, actually, Izuku Midoriya, you don't have much of a choice," he plainly stated, clearly agitated already.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "What? How would I not have a choice?"

A smile grew on Shigaraki's face, and the one on whoever Toga was grew wider. I was expecting to hear Shigaraki continue, but I was surprised by a voice come from behind everyone.

"Izuku Midoriya," the voice spoke, causing everyone to move to the side, "Glad to have you here."

Where the voice was coming from was a simple TV, a "Audio Only" symbol plastered on the screen. "Who are you?" I asked.

The voice simply laughed. "Ah, well, that's fair enough. You're All Might's boy, correct?"

Fear instantly surged through me, and he must've noticed, because I heard another chuckle.

"Must be then," he moved on, "Anyways, you must know who I am then... Here, maybe if I tell you my name. All For One ring a bell?"

I could feel a chill go down my spine as he spoke, terror rattling in my bones. "N-no way," I stuttered, my eyes widening, "You can't be..."

Another laugh. "In the flesh... Or rather, screen. Quite sad, really. Wish I didn't have to use this to speak to you. Well, not for much longer, I suppose..."

"What's that s-supposed to mean?"

I could practically hear him smiling. "Ah, well, you'll see. For now, I'll have my doctor heal you up. Maybe tie you to a chair. We don't want you escaping, now do we?"

My throat felt dry, and I already knew I was in trouble. However, before I could process anything, I heard Shigaraki break the silence.

"Twice, tie him up."

"Aw man, why do I have to do it? Fantastic!" he grumbled... or... exclaimed?

I felt him haul me up, and a scream escaped as I felt pain rush through my body. However, nobody seemed to care, and I was almost immediately sat down in a chair, ropes binding me to the wood.

"Ah now, why don't one of you bring him in?" All For One's voice cut through the air.

"Wait wha-" I started, but was once again hoisted up, this time by two people-the man with the patchwork face and the "Twice" guy.

They walked me into the next room, not-so-gently parking the chair in the middle of a dark and musty room. And, if it weren't bad enough, they both left without a word, shutting the door behind them and removing all light from the room.

As I sat, I felt my eyes become heavy, and I strongly resisted the urge to sleep. Finally, however, a man waddled in, bringing in a small lamp with him. Better than nothing, I guess...

Without so much as a word, he began to work quietly, aside from the occasional puff and cough. Soon enough, he seemed to be done setting up, and came to face me.

"So, you're Midoriya then. Can't really see why we need you, but it makes sense in the long run, I guess," he mumbled, then turned.

"Wait!" I shouted, causing him to spin back around. "Why am I here? Why do you need me?"

He laughed. "Now why would I tell you that? I'm not going to monologue like Shigaraki." As soon as he said the name, he frowned. "Don't even understand why we need him, either. But I guess if master says so..."

He quickly changed the topic, by simply walking back away. I attempted to catch his attention again, but he ignored me, grabbing a needle from a nearby table.

"Wait, what is that fo-" I began, but it was too late. The needle was plunged into my arm, releasing a strange liquid into my body.

Almost immediately, I felt my body become weak and heavy. As if I had overworked myself.

I fought to stay away as my eyes continuously fluttered, but it seemed to no avail, as I soon drifted into a deep sleep.

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